测量和修理铁路故障,是否检验ying the railway from above, clearing snow, or transporting materials, we have machines for the job.




Machines and specialist trains


  • infrastructure monitoring – from trains that use ultrasound to find faults within the rails, to those that monitor and record track geometry (our New Measurement Train or NMT)
  • maintaining and renewing the tracks
  • transporting materials such as ballast and rails for our work – this includes our rail delivery train, on-track plant delivery team, and aggregates wagons
  • 维护和安装架空线设备
  • 检查和清除排水
  • maintenance support (such as our移动维护列车,或MMT - 我们的Wheels的车间'
  • testing ECTMS/in-cab signalling for the数字铁路


  • Our fleet teams have 24/7, 365-day access to a helpline to support moving them around the network, helping to manage when incidents occur, as well as to report the critical information directly across the network including each Route Operating Control.
  • 衡量近一公里,我们的High Output ballast cleaner是我们网络上最长的火车。
  • We own around 1,000 wagons – these mainly carry aggregates such as ballast and remove waste from work sites. They’re typically hauled by locomotives owned by freight operating companies (FOC), but some are part ofHigh Output等待。在我们的货车中,有盒子货车去除废物;Autoballaster Wagons与“陷阱门”在底座上,直接释放镇流器,进入轨道;并倾斜货车在期间定位开关和交叉路口跟踪更新工作
  • Our rail delivery train carries 108m rails from where they are manufactured, at the British Steel plant in Scunthorpe, to be welded into 216m lengths at our long welded rail depot in Eastleigh, Hampshire. Around 50 per cent of our rails from Scunthorpe go here, but the other 50 per cent are welded on site to be used forHigh Output track renewals
  • Not all our fleet teams use machines that run on rails. Our空气运营团队利用直升机和无人驾驶飞机(无人机或无人机)。我们还有轨道工厂,可以在道路上以及铁路旅行。例子包括挖掘机,用于检查和透明排水的车辆,移动闪光灯焊工(焊接轨道),跟踪移动器(拾取和移动轨道),以及我们用于检查和更新的一些车辆架空电线

