政府赞助的£7BNLINK计划是一个雄心勃勃的10年的基础设施增强计划,并提供115个新列车,这些列车带来了更快,更频繁,更可靠,更好地连接的乘客 - 转变伦敦南北旅行。

泰文克隆计划– an overview
The majority of work is now complete although some minor improvements are still being made at London Bridge station, adding new retail units and improving facilities. Any changes to rail services are largely at weekends and during bank holidays, when the railway is less busy, to minimise disruption. For the latest information请访问ThamesLink程序网站or follow us on Twitter@TLProgrammeor@networkrailse.。
伦敦中央泰晤士河链路路线的容量增加将使泰晤士河链路服务能够像伦敦中央伦敦之间每2-3分钟交付火车的替代管线,以至于Blackfriars和St Pancras International之间每2-3分钟。有些乘客将节省时间,因为他们将能够直接到城市,而不需要改变。这也将缓解地下的拥挤,尤其是伦敦桥梁和圣潘克拉斯国际之间的北极线。
Overall, passengers from stations across the South East will benefit from more trains, more seats and overall, more capacity into London through a combination of longer trains and more services at the busiest times.
Blackfriars和伦敦大桥have been completely rebuilt to become better, modern and accessible, fit for the future to handle more trains through central London. Thameslink Programme has also extended platforms on the Midland Mainline to enable longer, 12-car trains to call. Major changes were also made at Farringdon where, with the opening of the Elizabeth line, a new transport hub will connect north, south, east and west.
ThamesLink程序是通过利用数字技术来释放能力的方式,使现有轨道上的更频繁的列车 - 英国主线铁路上的世界。
Rail passengers told us that their priorities included more seats and better reliability. New efficient, high capacity trains in 8 and 12 car formations are now operating on the Thameslink network. Designed to move greater numbers of passengers more frequently in air-conditioned comfort, these new, modern, spacious trains include enhanced passenger information and accessibility to transform the passenger experience and provide less crowded, more reliable and more frequent services.
当最后一个数字Thameslink升级Programme are complete, the new Class 700 trains will facilitate a train frequency of up to 24 trains per hour at peak times in each direction through the core section between Blackfriars and St Pancras International (triple the number of services prior to the programme starting).
The Thameslink Programme team has put together a huge resource of case studies on various elements of the work undertaken to showcase the successes and draw on the learnings from the various projects. Much of the content was written and produced by the project teams themselves and includes written reports, videos, interviews, photos, diagrams and processes.
- 夏季 - Blackfriars Station Repens,第一站跨越泰晤士河的北部和河的南部
- 梅 - 伦敦桥梁重建开始
- 7月 - 试车开始于圣潘克拉斯国际和伦敦桥站之间跑步
- 1月 - 自治市镇高架桥带入使用
- 七月 - 第一个新的700级火车在布莱顿和贝德福德之间进入服务
- August – London Bridge new concourse partially reopens, platforms 1-3 close for redevelopment
- October – Bermondsey Dive Under complete, first tracks installed
- 12月 - 第一列火车经过贝尔蒙德潜水
- 1月 - 在贝尔蒙德西伦敦桥外的方法轨道布局改变
- January – London Bridge station concourse fully reopens and platforms 1-5 are entered into service, making 15 in total
- 3月 - 乘客乘坐英国的第一列自助主线火车,彼得伯勒和霍舍姆
- 五月 - 伦敦桥站正式重新开放。主要的时间表变化推出了新的火车和服务,为40,000次额外的高峰乘客创造空间
- July – London Bridge station won the RIBA London Building of the Year architectural prize and went on to be runner up in the national award.
- 12月 - 通过核心伦敦电台每小时提升到20列车。