Targeting digital systems to improve capacity and performance on the railway

A digital railway benefits passengers, freight and the national economy.

Our railway is full in many places.



Capacity challenges are most acute in many of our major cities, not just London.

Traditional options like building new tracks or extending trains and platforms will not on their own deliver the space for extra trains we need.


Digital train control systems will help improve the performance of the network to provide passengers with a better experience.

传统的信令和火车控制系统可降低网络的灵活性,在出现问题时努力迅速恢复。铁路的一部分延迟仍然会导致knock-on delayshundreds of miles away on other parts of the network, many hours later.

Traffic management


Traffic management controls the flow of trains across the network in the most efficient way, maximising the throughput and adapting as network conditions change. It helps to manage disruption and reduce secondary or knock-on delays.

It will also improve passenger information and supports effective timetable planning by developing options for more effective ‘conflict free’ timetables.

In-cab signalling

传统的线条信号传导系统也非常昂贵地安装和维护。尽管其高建和维护成本高,但信号资产失败是延迟的主要原因。2014 - 2015年,有16,228个信令失败,足以影响服务。
