We are looking to add lifts at Teddington station’s footbridge, to provide step-free access
We have developed proposals to add two new lift shafts to the existing footbridge, making Teddington station accessible for all passengers, particularly those with reduced mobility. The proposals form part of the Access for All (AfA) Programme which aims to introduce an obstacle free, accessible route to and between platforms.

Key benefits
By adapting the existing footbridge and adding lifts, passengers will be able to easily cross from one platform to another.
Our plans
Subject to securing the necessary land, the works will be constructed in 2022/23. We will keep disruption from our work to a minimum at all times while carrying out this essential project and inform the local community about the works so construction can continue safely.
TWAO documents
在申请日期开始的异议期。这一点是Wednesday 25 November 2020。
如果您希望联系交通部有关Twao的地址,他们的地址是运输基础设施规划单位,运输部,大教堂,33马弗路,伦敦,SW1P 4dr或者您可以通过电子邮件发送电子邮件transportinfrastructure@dft.gov.uk。在任何通信的标题中,请在任何通信的亚搏彩票软件官网标题中包含“网络轨道
Copies of the application documents may be obtained on request by contacting0207 246 7386(请给出参考文献099161.01819)。
您可以通过我们进一步查询项目的询问联系我们页面quoting reference ‘Teddington Access for All project – TWAO’.
您也可以通过我们的帮助热线联系我们03457 11 41 41quoting “Teddington AFA scheme – Request for Transport & Works Act Order (TWAO)”.