我们建议,2019年4月6日的计划工程工作将推迟,因为布莱顿Hove Albion FC在FA Cup半决赛中将其成为温布利。布莱顿主要线上的推迟工作于2019年10月6日星期日举行,于11月24日星期日进行维护关闭。在这次重大工作方案发生的同时,我们要感谢您的耐心等待。

Highly Commended at the Railway Industry Innovation Awards
改善项目专注于三座桥梁和布莱顿/刘易斯之间的布莱顿主线的南端。在Balcombe,Clayton,Haywards Heath和Patcham和通过它们经营的铁路的维多利亚时代隧道计划了主要的工程工作。
We stemmed leaks into the tunnels and improved drainage, while the third rail power supply and signalling were replaced or upgraded.
Elsewhere on the closed section, we replaced the track and sets of points, which enable trains to switch between tracks.
We had never attempted a closure of this magnitude before, it required a step change in approach from that of managing a traditional engineering closure to one of delivering a complex service delivery strategy, focused on putting passengers first. More than 36,000 hours of work was carried out – the equivalent of 79 separate weekend closures.
Throughout the time we ran a comprehensive communications campaign, run 10 separate rail replacement routes, engaging with and informing passengers of the need for the work, how they would be affected and the travel choices available to them.
Highlights of the work completed during the 9-day line closures – Balcombe Tunnel Junction renewal
- Balcombe隧道广泛的排水作品:维多利亚砖涵洞排水系统在东南部最长的铁路隧道中积聚了淤泥和其他碎片,以及砖砌损坏。这损害了排水系统并导致洪水,这反过来导致了发信号和电源问题。
- Balcombe Tunnel Junction:更新并升级了这个交叉点,取代了600米的轨道,改善了结的布局和更换开关和交叉,允许火车轻松移动轨道。
- 完整的续订和升级线路信令和电力系统在海斯和普雷斯顿公园之间,拥有更可靠,现代高科技设备。
- Extensive work at stations,包括平台改进,清洁,重新欣赏等候室,票务办公室和车站建筑,修理和更换行人架,修理围栏以及整理植物和树篱。
And just some of the weekend work:
- Balcombe Station to Copyhold Junction- 2.3英里的导体'第三'铁路更新。超过1000米的镇流器清洁。修复了许多小轨道故障,减少了临时速度限制的可能性。
- Balcombe Tunnel Junction- 预备工作,包括构建新的开关面板和信号底座,在9天封闭期间为工作准备工作。
- Balcombe隧道和Haysware Heath– High Output ballast cleaning. Ballast is the aggregate stone, gravel forming the track bed on which sleepers and track are laid to ensure stability and proper drainage.
- 克莱顿隧道- 为轨道续订工作,完成了固定1,400米的电缆,清除1000米的废轨;650米的赛道续约完成。
- Cooksbridge– re-railing completed.
- Haywards Heath Station- 将四个信号头转换为LED,在Hayows Heath隧道中重新启动。
- Haywards Heath到Wivelsfield- 制作排水工程。
- 重读数地区– re-railing through Keymer level crossing and removal of numerous rail defects.
- 普罗斯顿公园拼凑- 信号安装。
- Preston Park车站– improved track formation on platform 2.
- Streat Green(Plumpton Racecourse) - 续签箱。
- Three Bridges- 替换信号头并更换跟踪电路。
- Balcombe隧道交界处的三座桥梁- 信号头已更改。
- Wivelsfield Station- 清洁车站。