New, more reliable signalling system comes into use on lines through Hither Green

在两年的工作之后,通过绿色的Sidcup,Grove Park和Bromley North线上进行了一种新的更可靠的信号系统,迄今为止已经使用。
What did we deliver?
We delivered a new, more reliable signalling system and other improvements:
- 检测列车的轨道电路已被254个更可靠的轴压器代替。
- 58个新的信号和9个新的,更容易维护的信号龙门。
- 电源升级并制作更多弹性。
- 信号改进,为绿色,格罗夫公园和李提供回头机会,当有延迟或工程工作期间,允许列车倒回车。
- 格罗夫公园的信号改进,允许12辆车列车停在平台3。
- 该地区的信号控制将被转移到最先进的三个桥梁路线控制中心,当有事件时,有助于更快地恢复服务。
- 深层清洁,维护封闭站,平台和冠层维修等改进,使乘客额外福利。
努力提高车站的体积inue over the next few months, as will the removal of the old signalling kit which has had to remain in place until the new system came into use.
More investment to come
Over the next few years we’re investing a record £1.25bn to upgrade track, signalling, embankments, structures, stations and depots to give passengers in Kent and South East London better journeys, with fewer delays.
£250m of that investment, which the Hither Green resignalling project is part of, is being used to tackle track and signalling delay through South East London.
The funding will tackle decades of under investment in the Kent network, replacing ageing equipment with new and more reliable technology to support improving train performance and keep people moving for decades to come.
For more information, visit outSouth East Upgrade page, call our National Helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or contact us onTwitter @NetworkRailSE.