
A new, second entrance
- Windsor Walk的一个新的第二个入口将建成,使乘客更容易进入并退出该车站。
- 这入口将理想地位于毗邻铁路的两家主要医院,一旦步行路线通过Maudsley医院重新打开。
- 额外的檐篷以及新的客户信息屏幕,更多座位和升级的PA系统将鼓励乘客使用全长的平台,从而宽松。
- 座位和其他家具将在所有平台上重新安置以提供更多空间,而东端平台4扩大以使乘客更多的空间。
- A new 85 space, secure cycle storage facility available to the public, will be provided next to the new Windsor Walk entrance
- Innovative new photovoltaic (solar) film will be applied to the new station roof, the rain cover over the accessible ramp and all new canopies, making the station ‘Carbon Positive’.
- Sensitive alternations to the listed wall on Windsor Walk and provision of appropriate gates.
Improved passenger flow, fewer delays and a better journey experience
- A new, second entrance will make entering and exiting the station much easier, while decluttered platforms and extended canopies will make create more space for passengers to board and alight trains, helping to keep more services on-time.
- 与康伯韦社会和坎伯韦尔艺术合作的新公共艺术品,提高旅程经验。
- 在车站屋顶和檐篷上添加了最先进的太阳能技术将使车站开发'碳积极'。
- 提供85个空间安全周期存储设施将鼓励当地区域和车站中的更可持续旅行。
The main station work is funded by the Department for Transport and delivered by Network Rail. The provision of new cycle storage space is funded by Sustrans, Kings College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Trusts.
Windsor Walk的遗产特征和将继续新入口的遗产盖茨部分资助铁路遗产信任。
September 2020
- 开始在现场工作
October to December 2020
- 为平台建造挡土墙4
10月2020年10月 - 3月2021年3月
- New station entrance is built
- Installed new platform canopies on the eastern end of platforms 2/3 and 4 to keep passengers dry while on the platform. We also widened platform 4.

2020年12月– June 2021
- Build new station entrance
January – July 2021
- Canopies,平台和站建筑用闪烁,新的客户信息屏幕,PA系统和标牌。
May 2021
Hoarding removed from platforms
August 2021
- 新入口打开
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