Managing the impact of extreme weather and climate change on embankments in Southern Region

据贝特办公室介绍,自2002年以来,英国的十个最热烈的历史最热烈的历史。像2018年夏天一样,因气候变化而发生的可能发生的可能性是30倍。大雨也更有可能。自1998年以来,英国已经见过seven of the ten wettest years on record。由于气候变化,2015年的冬季风暴至少有40%。
热浪impact our railway by drying out the soil it is built on, both through heat radiation and through trees and vegetation soaking up all the water. This makes it harder to keep track in good condition as the land dries out unevenly. In addition, as trees become water stressed, they are less able to withstand high winds and storms and can fall onto the railway.
This followed previous incidents on an even bigger scale the previous year. November 2019 had three times the expected rainfall, and a single week that December saw a whole month of rain and the soil became so saturated it didn’t dry out completely until May.
- 在Wivelsfield的布莱顿主线,靠近伯尼斯山。
- 在Dormans附近Cookspond的东格栅线上。
- On the Uckfield line at Hever.
- At High Brooms on the Hastings line between Tonbridge and Robertsbridge in Kent
- 在吉尔明汉之间的纽丁顿和肯特的塞巴顿
- 在萨塞克斯布莱顿主线的萨尔福德地区
- Iockle Landslip于2020年12月。

Southern Region looks after earthworks that if joined together would stretch between Lands End and John O Groats. Our budget for those earthworks is over £133m, over five years.
Climate change is projected to increase the severity and frequency of extreme weather and我们现在正在计划,以便将来提供安全,可靠的网络。
亚搏彩票软件官网网络轨有一个Weather Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy这旨在嵌入管理气候变化的管理范围内Southern Region has Weather and Climate Change Action Plans详细说明我们正在做的工作,以增加铁路的弹性。
How we manage the impact of extreme weather impacts on embankments in Southern Region
我们的铁路是世界上第一个,我们最繁忙的线条早在1830年代就建成了。这包括Redhill-Tonbridge Line,其中Edenbridge Landslip于2019年12月22日发生。工作开始于1836年。
The cutting at High Brooms was recently “regraded” or reduced in steepness, from a gradient of 40%, to 32%. In comparison, modern railways such as HS1, and motorways, have cuttings of just 18%. To get the existing railways to that level would be impossible without buying huge amounts of land and indeed, many people’s houses too.
此外,对“土壤力学”的了解在那些日子里没有提前,并且堤道是由从切屑中提取的任何材料被提取的材料。在某些情况下,例如Edenbridge和以前的石墨等地区的山床,不同的材料层倾倒在彼此之上,并在顶部建造的铁路。当粉笔和粘土混合时,这是一个特殊的问题 - 这通常是南方的情况。水渗透粉笔,然后击中粘土并耗尽它。随着不同材料以不同的速率吸收水,最终一层将从另一层滑动,并且覆盖覆盖率。
Landslips traced directly to clay construction include: High Brooms, Newington, Wivelsfield, Edenbridge, Ockley and East Grinstead. In fact, all our major landslips recently have been on railways built on clay soil and one of our challenges on the Hastings line is that it cuts through large deposits of Wadhurst clay.

- 监控我们所关注的轨道质量和网站;
- 采取主动行动,如在Barnehurst和Wivelsfield.2020年的2020年和韦瑟斯特在2021年,重建和悔改弱土方工程(有效地使它们减少陡峭);
- 重建排水,例如布莱顿主线升级项目,维护它并保持摆脱碎片;和
- 从扦插和堤防中移除树木和植被。
How are we going to adapt the railway to climate change?