How flooding on the railway causes delays – and what we’re doing to reduce it

There are lots of reasons why the railway is prone to flooding.



Building on land near the railway can also increase flooding because rain that previously would have soaked into the ground can run off the new hard ground and onto the tracks. To help prevent this, we review planning applications for developments near railway lines to make sure the drainage systems proposed are adequate.


当铁路做洪水时,我们的团队橙色 - 我们的工程师和承包商在铁路上工作 - 每天都在进行维修,因此火车可以尽快安全地运行,并且有许多不同的东西来检查和修理。



跟踪side points and signalling equipment that rely on intricate wiring and power supplies can easily fail during flooding, and need to be replaced before trains can run on the track again.

当洪水下水道,它可以洗掉‘ballast’ – the bed of stones that supports the sleepers – and this destabilises the track. To make the line safe again, this ballast must be relaid.

What we’re doing to reduce the effects of flooding and prevent delays

  • We continually monitor the weather – as soon as we receive a flood warning from the Environment Agency and Flood Forecasting Centre, we send people and equipment to at-risk areas so we’re in position to act quickly.
  • We deploy flood defence systems, including barriers with a membrane that seals to prevent water getting through, and inflatable barriers filled with water.
  • 沟渠和排水系统中的分支机构,叶子和碎屑防止水径流 - 所以我们在轨道上和靠近轨道上清除这些。
  • 由于我们正在进行的项目在普通地点构建泵站,我们拥有资源,使我们能够在需要时快速泵送洪水。
  • 随着线条在普遍的地区繁殖,我们安装了tracks信令设备处于更高水平,因此它们不会淹没。

