

Police: initial actions

警方认为桥梁罢工是一个潜在的批判事件。我们开发了与警察合作Police bridge strike protocol – initial actions (PDF), which details the roles and responsibilities of the respective control offices when responding to a reported bridge strike.



Bridge strike - skip lorry

The protocolresponse to a bridge strike at a bridge carrying the railway over a road (PDF)已与公路和公路当局,警察和火灾和救援组织一起开发。



We have developed a protocol in conjunction with highway and road authorities and police organisations. The protocolresponse to a bridge strike over the railway (PDF)提供有关车辆与铁路上的桥梁碰撞时采取的行动的建议,导致栏杆造成重大损害。

It details our responsibilities, and those of the police and highway and road authorities, and gives guidance so that both train services and road traffic movements can be restored safely while minimising the risk to the operational railway and to road users.

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