We create the timetables for passenger and freight services – and it’s a complex process


Every day, we work closely with passenger and freight operators to make sure the timetables allow trains to run safely on our network at their published times. This is the工作时间表(wtt)是铁路行业的公共国家时间表版本。


重要的:这些文件已提供用于铁路行业专业人员,不应与乘客时间表混淆。用于火车时报和旅程规划,go to National Rail Enquiries.

Electronic National Rail Timetable

Theelectronic National Rail Timetable(eNRT) is a long-term timetable for planners which covers services on the national rail network. All timetables are split into Routes.

Planning the timetable


We take lots of factors into account when we plan a timetable, and many of these are to keep passengers safe:

  • Speed limits vary on a length of track – for example, at bends and over points.
  • Only one train can occupy a given section of track at any time.
  • 由于信令基础架构在网络上变化,所以被认为是路线的一部分的列车之间的安全距离可以在另一部分不同。
  • There’s a minimum time gap required between trains using the same platform at a station.
  • Stopping, non-stopping and freight trains all travel at different speeds, so a mix of these on the track affects the number of trains that can use that section of track.
  • 火车无法安排太紧密地运行,因为我们需要灵活性如果有事件可以准时获取列车。我们努力努力避免淘汰赛延误。
  • 不同的时间表在银行假期运行,因此我们与列车运营商密切合作,以计划修改的时间表。
  • Time for improvement work and routine maintenance needs to be planned in to increase capacity and keep the network running reliably.