第一次超过50年,第2阶段将在牛津和Bletchley / Milton Keynes之间创造直接连接

This project will link communities across the area, bringing faster journey times and easing pressure on local roads.
To deliver East West Rail Phase 2, the EWR Alliance was established in 2015 and consists of four partners: Atkins, Laing O’Rourke, Network Rail and VolkerRail.
What are we doing?
In August 2020, engineers Tara Scott and Liz Conroy visited the Bletchley flyover to watch an especially exciting stage of its dismantling. Watch this video to find out how to remove 300 tonnes of concrete from directly above the railway:
Our plans include:
- 在Bletchley,Winslow改进站和高架桥。
- Making railway crossings safer by replacing structures and diverting or closing highway, foot and field crossings
- Upgrading track, including doubling track and upgrading infrastructure between Bicester and Bletchley
- 安装新的和升级的信令和相关电缆
- 建立环境薪酬网站(ECS)以抵消构建项目的生态影响
- Clearing overgrown vegetation, including removing overgrown vegetation predominantly along the railway corridor
- Constructing and restoring structures, including a new station at Winslow, new high-level platforms at Bletchley station, refurbishments, reconstruction and general repairs to existing infrastructure.
The benefits
东部铁路2阶段2将在牛津和Bletchley / Milton Keynes之间的50多年内提供第一个直接铁路连接,为全国各地的人员和企业转变连通性和旅程时间。
- Boost economic growth and create opportunities for new housing and jobs
- Encourage people out of cars and onto public transport
- 提供更环保的低碳运输系统。
Main construction work started in Spring 2020 and is due for completion in Spring 2024.
Work timeline
- Marking out and preparing the additional land we will need to build the new railway
- Parts of the mothballed line are very over grown so we need to clear this and manage vegetation along the line
- To bring Bletchley flyover up to modern standards parts will be deconstructed and rebuilt
- 我们将建设工作化合物,以充当建筑工人和设备的主枢纽
- 环境缓解,包括为獾,水獭,爬行动物,巨大的贵宾蝾螈,蝙蝠,蝴蝶的创造新的栖息地
- 修复和加强桥梁和结构
- Road improvement work – putting in passing bays to enable construction traffic to use roads
- Build a new station at Winslow
- Prepare the ground for the new railway to be constructed
- Begin work to build a new road bridge at Charbridge Lane in Bicester
- 继续我们的桥梁和结构翻新
- Rebuild Bletchley flyover
- 安装新的铁路轨道
- 完整的Bletchley天桥工作
- Installation of the new railway track will be completed between Bicester and Claydon Junction
- Begin putting in the new signalling system, power and communications systems
- HS2 will hand over the integration area where they will have completed their work on East West Rail
- The new railway tracks will be completed between Claydon Junction and Bletchley
- 信号和电源测试将开始
- Signalling, power and communications testing and commissioning will be completed
- Infrastructure will be ready for test trains
To get our materials and construction vehicles to sites where we are rebuilding the railway we need to use public roads. The routes that our vehicles will take was consulted on as part of our TWAO process. All the routes have been assessed to make sure they are suitable for construction traffic and we will also carry out improvements to junctions, providing passing places, and repairs where required. Whilst we carry out work, we may sometimes need to put in traffic management measures such as traffic lights or close a section of the road and put in diversions.
When closing a road, signs will be placed along the route giving advance warning of an upcoming road closure one week beforehand and road diversion signs will be in place one day before the road is closed.
Information on all road closures and diversions can be found on theone.network website.
We have regular liaison meetings with local highway authorities to discuss our proposed road works with the aim, as far as possible, of minimising disruption. We will notify authorities of any proposed road works and changes 28 days before works begin.
All construction traffic will follow clearly signposted and identified authorised routes. Abnormal loads will be handled on a case by case basis and may deviate on an individual basis from the normal construction routes. These loads will be notified to the Local Authorities and Emergency Services beforehand.
The project will be employing the Voyage Control system to manage construction traffic and logistics. This system allows us to proactively manage, monitor, co-ordinate, track and communicate.
作为项目的一部分,我们已经需要关闭沿着Bicester和Bletchley之间的旧的“校舍”铁路线的许多人行道/桥梁。交叉和运行的人行道一直是我们计划的一部分,他们的封闭提案包含在各种谘询阶段和介绍中,网络铁路和EWR联盟已经沿着路线对社区作出的。亚搏彩票软件官网亚博账号登录将有大量的建筑工作来恢复铁路,包括“Haul道路”的部分,将由HGV和大型建筑车辆使用 - 使公众成员使用人行道危险。我们认识到这是不方便的,一旦工作已经完成,要安全就是这样,我们将重新打开人行道。
Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO)
TWAO application documents
Non-Technical Summary
Contact us
If you have any questions you can email uspublicinformation@ewralliance.co.uk或者打电话给我们的24小时全国热线03457 11 41 41.