It is a key part of Anglo-Scottish journeys between London, Glasgow and Edinburgh via the West Midlands and North West, as well as providing commuter links direct to the capital through Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire.
With passenger demand forecast to grow by 12% and freight by 18% by 2024, the West Coast South route is home to several of Britain’s most significant investment infrastructure projects. These include东西铁路which will connect Oxford with Cambridge, and HS2, a new railway connecting London with Birmingham and the North of England. All of these are vital to Britain’s economy.
Find out more about how we’re meeting these challenges on West Coast Mainline South in the西北和中央region.

Route director, West Coast South
- the West Coast main line from London Euston to south of Crewe.
We work closely with local communities to promote safety by the railway. Find out more on ourcommunity safety page.