
Crewe station is a key transport hub in the north west of England, providing connectivity for passenger and freight services to all areas of the country. At Crewe, there is an opportunity to enhance passenger experience and to rejuvenate the economy by improving the train service available and accommodating HS2 trains that are proposed to call at Crewe.

与柴郡东部委员会密切合作,HS2 LTD和Department for Transport, Network Rail has developed the Crewe hub proposal, which aims to provide more capacity, better connectivity, more resilience, and improved access to and facilities at the station. The benefit could be felt far beyond Crewe to all of the connecting routes and locations served.

The purpose of this study is to inform Government of feasible infrastructure options that would facilitate future passenger growth by enabling more HS2 and regional train services to call at Crewe. Options have been developed and subsequently assessed for feasibility and suitability of location.

Work is continuing to develop affordable and value for money options to enable potential funders to decide whether further development work should be undertaken on the Crewe hub proposal.

Crew Hub

CREWE HUB - 提高客户的能力和连接
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