Due to the concerns around the safety of the public using South Milford level crossing, we are now investigating the closure and would like to know your views.

- Poor sighting at the crossing which makes it difficult to judge if it is safe to cross.
- 跨越道口顶部和路堤的铁路桥梁可以吸收和阻挡驾驶员在接近平交道口时鸣笛的噪声。这使得用户很难听到列车何时接近以及距离有多近。
Your views
As a potential user of the level crossing, we would like to understand the impact any changes to the footpath and potential closure of the level crossing may have on you. Therefore, we would appreciate your views on any alternative diversionary routes that may be feasible and could be put into place to maintain pedestrian access around the railway.

Rights of way
Closure of the level crossing will affect the whole of the footpath shown red below and it may be that it will close the whole of this footpath. Network Rail along with North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) wishes to explore if there are viable alternatives to this prospect.
You can find out more about rights of way on the NYCC website:
You can also view more information on NYCC’s guidance notes on diversions:

Download the questionnaire here
Share your feedback
In order to share your feedback on our proposals to close the level crossing, please download the questionnaire above and send the completed form tomilfordfootpath@networkrail.co.uk.
反馈来自Friday 26 February 2021untilFriday 26 March 2021. Following the feedback period, we will update you on our progress and next steps.
For more information
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