We always plan essential works with great care to keep disruption to a minimum

我们的时间表are planned 12 months in advance, and we schedule in the time needed for planned works to improve the rail network.
当我们需要执行计划的工程工作时,例如更换曲目或升级signalling systems, we might need to close a section of track for 24 hours or longer to complete the upgrade work efficiently and safely.
Easter engineering works 2021
Planned engineering works in your area
2016年的一个独立审查,探讨了铁路行业计划和时间表的主要改善工作得出结论,圣诞节,复活节和银行假日是升级需要重大界面的最佳时间。虽然在圣诞节中开展工作似乎似乎很奇怪 - 当人们在旅行中看到朋友和家人 - 平均而言,每天在圣诞节时期每天乘火车旅行大约一半。
How we’re reducing the time planned works take
我们在新的机械和流程中一直投资,以加快我们计划的作品,同时保持高水平safety for workers和passengers在我们的铁路上 -xinyabo体育 .
For example, our高输出teams replacetracksovernight using an高效轨道中继系统. Significantly reducing the time the work takes reduces disruption for passengers.
此外,工程创新意味着trains can often now run on the line at full speed straight after track renewal work, so there are fewer delays to timetables caused by slow trains, and better journey times for passengers. Track renewal typically requires a temporary speed restriction on the line for a week after the work is finished, so the ballast – the stones beneath the track – can settle. Now,技术的改进立即创建强大的基础,所以这不是必需的。
When works cause a delay
由于维护和工程作品导致的定期旅程的一些中断是不可避免的,因此在旅行前总是最好检查。国家铁路查询provides details of how planned works are affecting timetables. It also hasadvice on how to claim compensation由于工程工程造成的延误。
计划的作品偶尔会超越并导致意外延误。还有很多其他原因为什么延迟发生,例如天气,信号和点故障,并且由侵入造成的损坏。我们的delays explainedsection highlights why these situations cause delays and how we’re working hard to prevent the disruption they can cause.
When delays do happen, we know how important it is to keep passengers informed. That’s why we work with the train companies to get essential information out to passengers. Find out how wekeep passengers updated about delays.