Our High Output team delivers rapid renewals


Less disruption

Ho Teams每晚都在铁路上,在常常播放整个周末的一夜之间进行重要的赛道续约。这意味着培训服务的干扰较少。

每晚,何队更换一英里(1.6公里)镇流器, and renew轨道和睡眠者over ¾ of a mile (1.2km), on the plain-line (straight) track. The track is settled enough for train services to run at normal high speeds straight after HO work is finished.

Find out about our high-speed handbacks at junctions



Both the BCS and TRS are supported by tamper/dynamic track stabiliser准确定位轨道并在更新后巩固镇流器的机器。

How our High Output machines work

Our High Output Plant System (electrification on the Great Western Mainline)

Watch the video below to find out more.


大约1200人在何赛道和伯明翰办事处努力,七个运营基地 - 从苏格兰的Millerhill到英格兰南部的Millerhill到Taunton和Eastleigh - 我们的五个送货仓库,在纽卡斯尔,唐卡斯特,克罗德利和斯文。一半是分包商,他们与我们合作以提供我们的项目。

Our renewals are a collaborative effort from the planning stage to logistics and delivery – getting the machines to the right place at the right time, making sure they can work safely to capacity.

It's a 24-hour cycle, from getting the systems ready in the operations bases, to preparing the track by removing lineside equipment (and putting it back afterwards), starting up the machines and bringing back the old materials. A typical night sees possession of the track at 22:30, then handback at 06:00, with the system working 00:30 to 02:00.



  • 7网亚搏彩票软件官网络轨道所有机:5 BCS和2 TRS
  • £300m invested by Network Rail in HO in the last 12 years
  • Third largest HO fleet in the world
  • 每晚工作的团队,每年12个月
  • 在续订期间赛道中继网站上的50-60人
  • 600人在星期六晚上在高峰时段工作
  • Typically ¼ mile track replaced in 7.5 hours
  • 续签后,轨道返回高达125万小时
  • ½英里BCS - 网络上最长的火车
  • 每晚800吨新的镇流器在BCS上携带
  • HO RENEWALS预测到2014-2019的镇流器更新和700公里的铁路和卧铺更新
  • 5 shifts for each BCS every week
