
通过空气检查铁路可以提高性能,可靠性和安全性 - 没有培训服务或工作场所活动的中断。

我们基础设施和人们周围的飞行无人机是一个专家和潜在的高风险活动。It is illegal to fly a drone on or near the railway.所以我们有一个批准的供应商框架和训练有素的内部飞行员,谁是谁只有授权用于网络轨道的无人机。亚搏彩票软件官网我们所有的授权飞行员和供应商都经历了强大的安全和合规性过程。它们是允许在我们基础设施的50米范围内提供服务的唯一认证的无人驾驶运营商。


操作我们的高科技热敏和视觉成像设备,这种前瞻性思维,高飞团队通过空气调查铁路。这是有效的 - 我们的设备识别最小的故障,我们的飞机覆盖了广泛的区域快速 - 以及安全的选择,减少了送人们追踪铁路设备的需要。

该团队还与内部客户合作我们的路线to develop new aerial inspection techniques, using the latest technology to meet specific briefs.


Here are some of the services we offer

Much of our railway在电力上运行和缺陷电线设备,第三轨或电源可能导致delays。由于这些电气故障通常产生热能,热成像可以定位潜在的损坏,因此我们可以进行维修并防止破坏。

空中调查还防止减少电气设备地面检查的需要破坏 - 这些要求我们隔离该地区(关闭电力线路上的电力),所以我们的人民可以安全地工作。通过从上面检查,我们的人们更安全and trains can continue to run on the line.

有时我们希望我们的轨道方向设备产生热量,例如积分加热器融化那and on these occasions our helicopter can check they’re working well.


2015年12月直升机团队发现ndslips and flooding around Cumbria, such as this landslip north of Aspatria (pictured) when route-proving the Cumbrian coast – this and other instances were recorded and reported to the LNW route team and a geo-technical engineer who was also on the flight.


我们的设备visual survey capabilities (including zoom, to inspect in detail) – combined with the helicopter’s ability to travel far, fast – are useful for routine植被fencing调查。该设备还可以调查事件,如脱轨,电缆盗窃trespass和火灾,或项目网站:主要连接,级过境点or large-scale renewal work. As part of this, Air Operations can provide detailed high-resolution still photographs.

该团队还可以提供详细,准确的位置信息。All observers on the helicopter have a laser range finder and our ‘Where am I?’ app that can pinpoint the location, engineering line reference (ELR), mileage and grid reference to within five yards – information that can be sent immediately to people on the ground, or stored and sent later.

We have previously worked with the Network Rail helicopter team in hotspot [cable theft] areas and for proactive identification of locations vulnerable to cable theft. Criminals see the helicopter doing the rounds and it acts as a deterrent. It can also give us valuable imagery of any criminal activity.

LNW路线犯罪经理Richard Godwin

ruteview.is our aerial image hosting system, to which we upload aerial inspection and survey imagery. It’s used by teams across the business when planning projects or maintenance, reducing the need for physical site visits and trackside asset inspections. Inspectors from the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) and Rail Accident and Investigation Branch (RAIB) also have access to RouteView.

事件控制器经常使用Reteview来微调他们对事件的响应。例如,它有助于正确识别在自杀男性的报告之后正确识别紧急呼叫中描述的人行桥 - 没有其图像,警察和妈妈(反复对事件的移动运营经理)可以被发送到错误的桥梁。


In January 2017, national aerial specialists carrying out a six-monthly maintenance thermal survey of the Great Western Mainline from Paddington to the Airport Spur tunnel portal spotted a traction current switch showing heat. After they’d been recording it for a short time, a train entered the section and the switch flared up, arcing excessively and flashing over (see pictures below) until the train came to a stand in the station platform.

船员知情overhead line员工尽快,然后谁去了网站看看可以做些什么来防止交换机失败。

One of the overhead line technicians on site heard the switch hum and reported this to fault control, liaising with the electrical control room operator (ECRO) at Didcot to operate the switch live to correct the fault, which was that the switch was not closed properly. The ECRO confirmed that the switch had been used for an isolation of the line earlier in the week by a third party.




我们在全国各地工作,进行许多不同的调查,没有任何培训服务的中断,我们在基础设施上寻找任何潜在的错误。我们的工作是关于“预测和预防”所以我们的目标是在他们未能保持安全和顺利运行的情况前提前捕获事物。我总是告诉人们,我们在铁路上有最好的办公室!“克里斯阿什沃思 - 国家空中调查专家,网络铁路亚搏彩票软件官网

Chris Ashworth-全国航空调查专家,网络轨道亚搏彩票软件官网



It is illegal for members of the public to fly a drone on or near the railway. You could be taken to court and face a penalty of up to £2500. Network Rail will always report drone infringements to the police




  • 项目(网站调查,计划布局,接入点和安全监测)
  • 监测overhead line equipment状况
  • 监测资产条件
  • 识别和定位过热设备
  • 确定土方工程和排水问题(包括山水
  • 检查结构
  • Identifying and locating encroachment on to the railway
  • 监测植被控制