
电缆盗窃每年占用数百万英镑。经济的总成本 - 考虑到货运延误对电站和超市的影响,以及小姐约会的乘客或者让他们的一天毁了 - 更高。

盗窃金属是铁路作为盗贼目标的一个大问题信令电缆,overhead power lines甚至是金属栅栏出售废料。

Britain's rail network is designed to fail safe, which means that when a cable is cut trains are brought to a standstill. This protects passengers but can lead to lengthy, frustrating delays while the problem is found and fixed safely.

A large proportion of our funding comes from the Government, so these thefts are, ultimately, costing taxpayers money.

How you can help


  • 0800 40 50 40
  • 文本61016
  • In an emergency call999

或者你可以打电话巨灾者anonymously on0800 555 111..

What we’re doing to prevent cable theft

We have done a huge amount of work to tackle cable theft including:

  • funding British Transport Police officers
  • 使用CCTV提醒我们人们在网络上并支持警方
  • installing new ways of securing cables
  • using forensic marking agents
  • 介绍更难以窃取和更容易识别的电缆
  • and setting up a dedicated security team.

Scrap Metal Dealers Act

Together with other essential infrastructure providers we successfully lobbied the Government to introduce the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013.

The Act means that:

  • 废料金属经销商必须获得许可,地方当局有权拒绝不合适的申请人和撤销许可证
  • Police have the power by court order to close unlicensed scrap yards
  • All sellers of metal must show verifiable ID which dealers must record and retain
  • Cash trades for scrap metal are illegal without exception and subject to unlimited fines
  • A public national register of scrap metal dealers has been created.

This will help make sure that sales of scrap metal are accounted for and that all people trading scrap are doing so legitimately.

British Transport Police mark European day of action to tackle metal theft.