
A landslip (also known as a landslide) on the railway is generally defined as when soil, rocks and earth fall onto and either wholly or partially block the track.

Landslips can occur anywhere, moving either slowly or quickly. When they impact on railways, roads and other infrastructure, they can cause a lot of disruption.

Delays Explained: Landslips

They commonly occur when the ground becomes saturated with water after long periods of heavy rain. As the earth becomes heavier, the water forces apart grains of soil so that they no longer lock together – resulting in a landslip as the structure becomes loose and unstable.

What we do when there’s a landslip

When landslips happen, unfortunately so do delays. A train can’t swerve to avoid debris on the line in the same way a car can avoid a small obstruction on the road, so when there‘s debris on the tracks after a landslip, we will often need to re-route services.

Before trains can run on the line again after a landslip, we’ll remove any debris and check that the infrastructure is safe and working.

即使在最初的山顶后,也有持续的担忧。一旦Landslip开始移动,斜坡将永久削弱。这意味着它更有可能有进一步的山地坡度。一些斜坡 - 或切割,因为它们也被众所周知 - 在我们的轨道的两侧都需要通过改善排水或向斜坡本身添加更强的材料来加强,例如钢棒或土着钉子。这项工作要稳定地球可能需要时间。


  • It’s important that we identify the sites prone to landslips to ensure that we keep passengers and our engineers safe. We use helicopters equipped with laser imaging, detection and ranging to do this.
  • Where we know that sites are at risk of landslip, we use motion sensors and CCTV to detect soil and rock movement. These sensors send an alarm to the signaller, who will stop the train if alerted and wait until the area has been inspected by engineers.
  • We can also stabilise the slope by putting in drainage or using steel rods or soil nails.
  • 如果这些选项不够,我们将重新配置斜率以减小其角度,使其不容易达到山底坡。
  • When we getflood warnings来自环境局Flood Forecasting Centre, we send people and equipment to the at-risk areas so we’re in a position to act quickly.
