
In case a British summer features abnormally high temperatures, we have to plan for intense heat, which can cause rails to buckle.

当英国享受夏季热浪时,直接阳光下的轨道可以高达20°C,而不是空气温度。由于轨道由钢制成,因此它们会在变热时扩展,并且可以开始曲线 - 被称为“屈曲”。

当轨道温度高达46°C时,大多数网络都可以操作 - 大约相当于约30°C的空气温度 - 但是轨道已在高达51°C的温度下记录。

Keeping trains running in high temperatures

When our remote monitoring systems tell us that a section of track might be expanding too much and could cause problems, we introduce local speed restrictions. Slower trains exert lower forces on the track – this reduces the chance of buckling.


How we prevent tracks from getting too hot

We work closely with specialist weather forecasters and local weather stations to make necessary plans and take action so rails are less likely to buckle.

  • 我们的团队将每个冬季检查轨道稳定,作为持续维护的一部分,并在夏季之前加强任何弱零件。
  • We paint certain parts of the rail white so they absorb less heat – and expand less. Typically, a rail painted white is 5°C to 10°C cooler than one left unpainted.
  • As most track is made up of long pieces of rail that are stretched and welded together, there is much less chance of buckling in very high temperatures because there is reduced compression.
  • When a track is made up from short rails bolted together, we leave small gaps between each one so that expansion doesn’t cause a problem.
  • 我们总是改善我们如何测量和计算轨道温度。我们这样做的方式是通过安装探针,当追踪气温上升时,让我们有机会在发生之前让我们采取行动并停止问题。
  • In some parts of Britain’s rail network, tracks are laid on reinforced concrete slabs rather than on sleepers and ballast (the bed of stones that supports the sleepers). This helps to prevent rails from buckling.

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