
Upcoming work
八周,来自7月10日至9月3日星期五我们正在改变在Bristol Temple Meads的方法的一个主要交界处的轨道布局。
This work will affect train services to varying degrees over the eight weeks with timetable alterations, diversions and rail replacement services in place on some routes.
For updates, see#BristolRailRegenon ourTwitter Feed.
Bristol East Junction
今年夏天,我们将更换Bristol East Junction的曲目,从伦敦,米德兰兹/南威尔士州布里斯托尔寺米德斯站的途径。
The brand new tracks in a clever new layout will allow trains to come in and out of the station more easily, meaning less delays and better journeys. An extra line is also being introduced to support additional suburban services being planned for the future.
It’s a big job, taking eight weeks to complete, from Saturday 10 July to Friday 3 September.

To get ready for the work, and reduce the length of disruption for passengers this summer, we’ve already replaced sections of track and points, moved and replaced signals, installed a larger gantry and relocated trackside outbuildings to make way for the new layout.
While our work is taking place, we’ll make sure you can still get wherever you’re going. Some trains will be diverted and others will be replaced by buses. Please keep checkingnationalrail.co.uk.orGWR.com/Bristolfor updates.
布里斯托尔寺米德斯is at the heart of future regeneration plans for the city and the wider region that will see it become a truly world-class transport hub.
为了支持这项工作,我们目前正在平台上安装脚手架3 - 6和轨道上的巨大的安全屏幕。这将使工人能够访问该结构,同时保护客户和工作人员从工作开销。工作场所也将完全包裹,以防止灰尘和其他材料逃离下面的电台
The roof renovations at Bristol Temple Meads are due for completion in 2023.
Read ournews story关于布里斯托尔寺米德斯恢复项目。
In September 2020, we successfully relocated the bikes from platform 3 and 4 at Bristol Temple Meads station.

The new temporary cycle storage is located on Friary, to the north of the station. It is covered, well-lit, monitored by CCTV and patrolled by British Transport Police. Housing just over 450 bicycles, it matches the previous storage capacity from platform 3 and 4.
在Bristol Temple Meads的完整Rewire工作正在进行2021年3月,该项目设立和开发的详细计划,该项目将带来卓越的电气系统达到现代标准。这将提高车站电气的整体可靠性和效率,以及允许潜在的零售的未来扩展。
The full rewire is due for completion in 2023.
A new free WiFi network has been installed at Bristol Temple Meads. It went live in early April, offering passengers fast, free and reliable internet connectivity within the station area.
We will be installing tactile paving to assist people with visual impairments, alongside making other improvements for passengers including installing a new PA system, enhanced customer service screens and additional CCTV coverage.

We aim to complete the extension of the passenger subway this summer, while we have unique access to the station during our eight-week track work for Bristol East Junction.
Get in touch
如果您对您所在地区发生的工作有任何其他疑问,请致电我们的专用24小时全国热线03457 11 41 41或访问我们的联系我们页面。