西北和中央(NW&C) is the ‘Backbone of Britain’ – the economic spine linking our main cities. We connect workers with jobs, people with loved ones and goods to market.
Our infrastructure runs from London Euston and Marylebone in the south through the Chiltern and West Midlands regions, the North West of England and Cumbria before joining with Scotland at Gretna. We are home to the West Coast Mainline, the busiest mixed-use railway in Europe, serving London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
We have 8,000 employees. Our vision is “One team safely delivering excellent services for customers and taxpayers.” We will achieve this vision by embedding a safe, caring workforce culture that welcomes everyone and embraces new ideas and fresh thinking.

Tim Shoveller
Managing director, North West & Central region

North West and Central region in numbers
- 246.5 million annual rail passenger journeys
- 每周,130万乘客通过这个地区旅行
- 571个站点
- 4个管理站:伯明翰新街,曼彻斯特皮卡内利,利物浦石灰街,伦敦埃斯顿
- We are 24% of Britain's railway
- 每天6,724次乘客和货运服务
- 每周移动700,000吨的运费
- 712级交叉口
- 7,100个桥梁
- 150个信号盒