As part of our £1.2 billion East Coast Upgrade, we’re improving the power supply on the East Coast Main Line to enable faster, quieter and more environmentally friendly electric trains to run. The upgrade paves the way for the introduction of new trains, such as LNER’s Azuma and Hull Trains’ Paragon fleets.
- 更多座位和其他服务
- 提高性能和可靠性
- 第1阶段 - 覆盖伦敦与唐卡斯特之间的路线
- 阶段2– covering the route between Doncaster and Edinburgh
- installation of 23 substations along the route
- 铺设600公里的新布线
- 构建基础和结构,以支持架空线路设备
- 新的400kV连接到主要国家网格
Further upgrades are planned to increase resilience and reliability along the route. These upgrades include additional sub-stations, track based cabinets and feeder stations.
阶段2of the project involves the installation of feeder and substations along the route, capacity upgrades, new 132kv connection at Hambleton junction and upgrades to existing power supply connections.
- 安装27个新牵引变电站
- 安装1000公里的新电缆,包括馈线电缆和电信布线
- 构建基础和结构的构建和支持架空线路设备
- 在132kV供应连接点引入2个新的静态变频器化合物
案例研究 - 供电升级保存0.5亿英镑
On the East Coast Main Line, the old diesel fleet of trains is being replaced with a bigger fleet of new electric trains. They’ll be longer, cleaner, greener and much more frequent. All these additional electric trains mean we need to boost the power supply to run them. By using innovative, new technology called “Static Frequency Convertors” instead of traditional methods will save over £500m throughout the course of the project.
通常,我们必须去国家电网供应提供的地方,建立全新的电源系统并长途携带电源。然后我们必须关闭铁路;安装塔架,挖掘地面,铺设电缆 - 所有昂贵的乘客安装和破坏。

相反,静态频率转换器separatel坐y from the railway and “plug-in” to existing power cables. They take the local electricity supply and amplify, clean, and optimise it, providing the ideal power supply for trains. And they do this without disturbing the local power supply.
除了退休的列车队列,节省0.5亿英镑,该项目还节省了每天约154吨的碳 - 这相当于每天种植超过2300棵树。
- 亚搏彩票软件官网
- 西门子 - 牵引力设计,供应,安装和SCADA(监控和数据采集)
- J Murphy和Sons - 土木工程和结构,电缆和电缆路线
- Volkerrail - 架空线设备工作和信令工作
- TSP项目 - 专业咨询和设计支持
- 雅各布斯 - 专业咨询和设计支持
有关东海岸主线电源升级项目的进一步信息,请联系网络轨道的国家帮助热线1141 41。亚搏彩票软件官网