A £1.86bn investment in digital technology, GSM-R paves the way for more efficient signalling systems
The Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) delivers digital, secure and dependable communications between drivers and signallers. This helps to increase safety, reduce delays and improve performance – providing a better experience for passengers.

How it works
GSM-R supports secure and reliable driver-signaller communication by bringing together the most effective combination of technology, processes and people.
使用具有移动技术的定制固定电信网络,其流程包括旅程登记,操作消息传递和优先级driver-signaller communications. Those involved range from drivers and signallers to managers, controllers and maintenance staff.
Improving safety
GSM-R delivers direct radio driver-signaller communications at all times. This includes areas such as隧道和深扦插,其中没有以前没有的无线电通信,因此系统:
- improves safety for drivers, maintenance teams and passengers.
- 确保对潜在危害的潜在危害更快,更有效地对铁路紧急呼叫等潜在危害。
- eliminates the need for drivers to exit the train in the event of a problem.
Reducing operating costs
Moving away from analogue
以前的无线电驱动程序 - Syngaller通信依赖于模拟无线网络。这些功能有限,维护越来越昂贵。