We work with national and local organisations to make level crossings safer and to help people use them correctly.

There are more than 6,000 level crossings in Britain, and one of the busiest rail networks in the world. This is one of our critical risks and remains a priority area for us.

The data in this report includes:

  • incidents where a motorised vehicle is struck by, or strikes, a train
  • incidents where a pedestrian or user of a non-motorised vehicle is struck and fatally injured by a train
  • near misses (non-fatal incidents) with a motorised vehicle, non-motorised vehicle or pedestrian.

Level crossing results

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Level crossing misuse (MAA) Network-wide 25.46 25.92

29.85 31.46
Collisions with road vehicles 7 4 6 7 9
Train striking pedestrian 12 5 11 7 2
Near miss with road vehicle 76 72 95 80 73
与非汽车用户附近的小姐 236 256 276 314 308

*MAA = Moving annual average

Note: Due to data refreshing, figures are different to those reported in the 2015 annual return.


In 2019/20 there were six collisions with road vehicles which is a decrease from the previous year. There were two accidental fatalities at level crossings in the past year, all of which were pedestrians. Near misses with road vehicle users remain at a similar level as to 2018/19.

There has been a small (4%) increase in the numbers of near misses with non-vehicle users

Closing level crossings remains an important part of the strategy for CP6. The total number of closures since the start of CP5 stands at 371, with the total number of closures achieved since the start of CP4 at 1,254. A further 46 remain temporarily closed through Traffic Regulation Orders. The combined closures achieved in the past two control periods are a significant success and contribute to reduced risk and improved public and passenger safety across the network.
