We're continuing to build a more diverse and inclusive organisation representative of the passengers we serve


We want to be on the side of the passengers and demonstrate our leadership across the rail industry. We will be an organisation that is easy to do business with, and one where our people are proud to work.

为实现这些野心,我们将努力增加我们劳动力的多样性,以便我们代表我们在国家上下服务的乘客 - 因为每个人都很重要。





We aspire to make the best use of our people’s talent and capabilities and to provide real opportunities for their professional development.

There is more to do – but the success of our work on diversity and inclusion, and the excitement of being part of the biggest transformation of Britain's rail industry in history, are starting to make Network Rail an employer of choice.

了解有关我们提供的信息 - 并寻找您的下一份工作 - 在我们的职业部分。



To find out more about our commitment to diversity and inclusion, or for any of our information in an alternative format, pleasecontact us