


铁路遗产信任supports the preservation and maintenance of listed buildings and structures that are either owned by Network Rail or that form part of the Highways Agency Historical Railways Estate. The Trust does this through advice on preservation and maintenance as well as its formal grant programme.

Network Rail applies for grants to help with the repair, restoration and reinstatement of heritage building features and equipment as part of our civil engineering and railway regeneration projects.

您可以了解有关从事赠款受益的网络铁路项目的更多信息亚搏彩票软件官网Railway Heritage Trust.

National Railway Heritage Awards


The National Railway Heritage Awards was established in 1979 and celebrates the implementation of best practice, high standards, careful design and quality of workmanship in the restoration and maintenance of buildings, structures and signalling installations.

You can find out more about the projects that Network Rail has entered into at theNational Railway Heritage Awards website.

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