Victoria is two stations in one, telling the story of intense rivalry between railway companies in the 19th century..
Victoria Station酒店位于伦敦西区的中心地带,提供快速连接海滨度假村,海港和盖特威克机场,一直与火车旅行有关的乐趣。

- 1858年:维多利亚站和Pimlico Railway的授权,从河流巴特西的西端和水晶宫的终点建立延伸,并在西端的新网站上。
- 1860:10月1日,伦敦,布莱顿和南海岸铁路(LBSCR)在新站点的西侧开设了一站。
- 1861:Grosvenor Hotel的Grosvenor Hotel在白金汉宫路上开放。在LBSCR站旁边,它独立于维多利亚站铁路公司。
- 1862:8月25日,伦敦,查塔姆和多佛铁路(LCDR)在新站点的东侧开设自己的终点。
- 1899:LBSCR购买其邻近的Grosvenor酒店。LCDR成为南部,东部和查塔姆铁路(SEC)的一部分。
- 1907年:LBSCR与经营“到大陆的最快路线”之间的竞争开始。
- 1908年: the new LBSCR station designed by Charles L Morgan is opened.
- 1909年:由AW Blomfield设计的新Secr站打开。
- 1914年:维多利亚是在第一次世界大战中前往前线的主要出发点。
- 1923年:铁路分组。维多利亚站受到南部铁路的控制,这些铁路统一了统一站的两个独立侧面。
- 1929年:为维多利亚的国内服务大幅增加,在车站完全电气化。
- 1933年:南铁路推出布莱顿贝尔服务豪华。该服务持续到1972年。
- 1936年:豪华的“夜间渡轮”睡眠家服务是推出从维多利亚到巴黎加尔杜诺德的乘客。该服务持续到1980年。
- 1939年:帝国航空公司在白金汉宫路上开设其总部。“飞船”服务将维多利亚队以跨大西洋乘客带到南安普敦的帝国航空基地。
- 1948年: London Victoria is taken over by British Railways (BR) following nationalisation.
- 1958年: Gatwick Airport opens.
- 1962年:第一个轨道航站楼打开乘客到盖特威克机场。建造新平台以适应Gatwick机场列车。
- 1980s: the airspace on the Brighton side of the station is developed to incorporate Victoria Plaza, a multi-storey shopping centre. Renovations reveal a tiled map of LBSCR routes hidden behind telephone booths.
- 1984:Gatwick Express服务开始。
- 1992: the station is refurbished and more retail units established, joining the station together still further.
竞争伦敦西端的伦敦布莱顿和南海岸铁路(LBCSR)和伦敦查塔姆&多佛铁路(LCDR)决定将其资源和返回维多利亚站和Pimlico铁路汇集。This company had been authorised to build an extension of the line from the West End & Crystal Palace Railway’s ‘West End’ terminus (which was in fact across the river at Battersea), over the River Thames along with a new station at Victoria Street, just a few hundred yards from Buckingham Palace which was truly in the west end of the capital.
Access to Victoria Station was to be reached by the newly constructed Grosvenor Bridge, the first railway bridge to cross the Thames in London and designed for the Victoria Station & Pimlico Railway by John Fowler. Fourteen acres of land had been purchased for the new terminus.
The LBCSR’s side of the station, designed by their engineer Robert Jacomb Hood, was finished first and opened on 1 October 1860. The LCDR’s station on the east side of the site opened two years later on 25 August 1862 with a trainshed roof designed and constructed by their engineer Sir John Fowler.
Two stations – two designs
两家公司都决定在十九世纪末升级各自的电台。伦敦布莱顿和南海岸铁路首先搬家,在1899年在车站的一部分旁边购买了独立的Grosvenor酒店,并将其延伸以形成新的正面。由LBSCR的首席工程师设计先生Charles Morgan IT建于红砖,并在卷轴上装饰着一个大型时钟,让它精心设计的Edwardian Baroque风格,以赞美格罗夫纳酒店。旧的培训屋顶被更换为覆盖新的延长平台,可以获得更长的火车。在Buckingham Palace Road的独家入口,也是由新车于1908年开业的皇家家庭使用的。
不要鞋底,南东和查塔姆铁路(SEC),LDCR于1899年加入,委托AW Blomfield设计了一个新电台。1960年代的福勒训练屋顶被保留;主要建筑物设计并以较大的风格为LBSCR设计。
The SECR station was set slightly in front of its neighbour, and built in white Portland stone, to reinforce the separation between the two companies. This new station opened in 1909. This separation of the two stations was maintained until railway grouping in 1923 when both the LBSCR and the SECR became part of the Southern Railway. The Southern Railway set about integrating the two stations, opening up archways in the party walls that divided the two halves.
就在第二次世界大战前,南部铁路短暂尝试了一个新的“飞船”服务,与维多利亚州的南安普敦新商业机场有关。1958年,这与国际旅行的联系随着盖特威克机场的开放,并在维多利亚推出了第一艘铁路航站楼,乘客可以在抓住盖特威克捕获飞行之前入住他们的航班。这是1984年推出的Gatwick Express服务。
维多利亚站经过多年来,最近添加了更新乘客设施。1980年代的拆除了“布莱顿”侧屋顶,为维多利亚广场 - 一个多层办公室和商店综合体。1992年,车站网站被整理和放大,两个奇异体通过一系列通过原始分界墙的拱门构建的一系列匹配商店变得更加集成。
Did you know?
Victoria Station was first referred to as the ‘Grosvenor Terminus’ as it was built on the site of old Grosvenor Canal basin. It was eventually named after nearby Victoria Street, rather than Queen Victoria.