St Pancras is a 19th century station that delivers a 21st century regional, intercity, continental and high speed railway to London

- 858:Midland Railway同意与伟大的北部铁路一起访问北伦敦运行线条和国王交叉站。
- 1863: June, the Midland Railway gain parliamentary authority to build an extension from Bedford to London along with a new terminus on the Euston Road. William Henry Barlow, the Midland Railway’s consultant engineer draws up plans for the line and a new station.
- 1865:举办竞赛,以确定酒店的设计,酒店将为站房提供正面。乔治·吉尔伯特·斯科特的哥特式设计获胜。
- 1866:巴洛火车棚开始施工。
- 1868: Work is completed on the train shed and work on the Gilbert Scott’s hotel begins.
- 1873: the Midland Grand Hotel is opened by Queen Victoria.
- 1883年:工作开始于在圣潘克拉斯西部建造米德兰铁路的货物站;这是英国图书馆的网站。
- 1923: Railway grouping puts St Pancras under the control of the London Midland & Scottish Railway.
- 1935: the Midland Grand Hotel closes and becomes railway offices known as St Pancras Chambers.
- 1939:该车站是一个繁忙的出发点,士兵去战争和孩子被疏散到乡村。
- 1967:尽管尝试关闭和拆除圣潘克拉斯,但酒店和酒店成为1年级上市建筑,感谢拯救他们被John Betjeman先生Spearheaded的运动。
- 1978:英国铁轨同意销售圣潘克拉斯时钟,给美国买家。随着拆卸发生时钟被掉落并粉碎成碎片。信号管理器可以买到碎片并恢复时钟,将其固定在他的谷仓的一侧。在恢复项目期间,研究了这个原创,并在火车棚的南端悬挂了精确的复制品。
- 1985: St Pancras Chambers is no longer used by British Rail and falls into disrepair.
- 20世纪90年代:圣潘克拉斯正在进行紧急修复。
- 1993: a scheme to join St Pancras with Kings Cross to make an international terminal is dismissed in favour of St Pancras alone.
- 1996:委托伦敦和大陆铁路公司修建海峡隧道铁路线(CTRL);伦敦和英吉利海峡隧道之间的高速铁路。计划开发圣潘克拉斯国际酒店。
- 2005:工作开始于曼哈顿阁楼的翻新吉尔伯特斯科特的哥特式酒店。
- 2007:圣潘克拉斯国际酒店由英国女王伊丽莎白二世正式开业。欧洲之星和东米德兰火车服务将于12月加入Thameslink服务。
- 2009: 13th December, new high speed domestic rail services from St Pancras to Kent began.
- 2011:3月,St Pancras Renaissance伦敦酒店打开。预订办公室栏可让客户直接进入站平台。
- 2012:圣潘克拉斯国际在运送观众到伦敦奥林匹克公园方面发挥了重要作用;从圣潘克拉斯到斯特拉福德国际机场只需7分钟。
A new grand terminus for London
到19世纪中叶,米德兰铁路正在损害与北铁路一起进入的协议,使其能够与商品和客运交通联系到伦敦。他们希望将其线路从贝德福德到伦敦延伸,以便与伦敦&北西部和大北铁路公司参与约克郡铁路交通。St Pancras是他们的铁路服务的适当盛大的终端。
车站的设计和建造两个爸爸rts; the train shed and the hotel frontage. William Henry Barlow, the Midland’s consultant engineer, designed the extension route and station layout, including the single span arched train shed constructed of iron and glass. At 243ft by 110ft high at its apex, it was at the time the largest ironwork structure of its kind. As the 6 platforms were tied to the ribs, the train shed area was clear and spacious compared to other termini, making the structure much more flexible and allowing for future changes.
随着线的摄政运河桥north of the station, the platforms at St Pancras were built at a high level which made it much more imposing than its Euston Road neighbours. Resting on 850 cast iron pillars, this gave the station space underneath for storage of goods. The distance between the columns was measured using one of the Midland Railway’s most lucrative goods traffic; barrels of beer from Burton on Trent.
In 1865, a competition was held to design the front façade of the station including a new hotel. George Gilbert Scott, the most celebrated gothic architect of his day, won the competition even though his design was larger than the rules allowed. Construction of the hotel started in 1868 however the economic downturn of the late 1860s meant that the hotel, named the Midland Grand, was only completed in 1876. Striking and self confident, the station and hotel completely dominated its Great Northern neighbours.
The station's decline
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the decline of St Pancras continued and British Railways tried to close and demolish the station a number of times. John Betjeman spearheaded a campaign to save the station and hotel, and in November 1967 was successful in getting the buildings declared Grade 1 listed just days before demolition was due to begin.
A destination station
To extend platforms to accept Eurostar trains, an additional train shed to the rear of Barlow’s original was designed by Foster & Partners. The west wall of the station was rebuilt using 16 million bricks manufactured identically to the original. New public works of art include the statue of the station’s saviour John Betjeman and the 30ft tall bronze sculpture ‘The Meeting Place’, positioned under the station clock.
新的St Pancras International Station在2007年11月正式开业,欧洲之塔和东米德兰服务,并加入12月的泰晤士河链思服务。2009年底,高速国内服务开始于圣潘克拉斯和肯特之间。2012年,这款高速线在仅七分钟内将观众运送到Stratford International的伦敦奥林匹克公园。
Did you know?
The construction of the line and station at St Pancras required the demolition and clearance of many properties, including the old St Pancras burial ground. A young Thomas Hardy, before finding fame as an author was employed to oversee the excavation and re-internment of the bodies.