
WH Barlow是19世纪末以大规模工程项目而闻名的土木工程师。他负责St Pancras Station的宏伟火车棚屋顶,当时是世界上最大的。在灾难之后,他设计了新的Tay桥,为土木工程制定了新的标准。他对钢铁和梁工程的调查导致了第四桥的设计,世界上最令人印象深刻的铁路结构之一。
1844年: Barlow becomes chief engineer to the newly formed Midland Railway.
1850年: Barlow is elected a fellow of the Royal Society.
1851年:Joseph Paxton寻求Barlow关于伟大展览建设所需的专栏和梁的强度建议。
1862 -1869: Barlow over sees the construction of the Midland Railway’s extension into London and designs the train shed roof at St Pancras station.
1874年:巴洛与他的儿子Crawford Barlow进入合作关系。土木工程实践被称为WH Barlow&Son。
1879 – 1880: Elected President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
1880年:在Tay Bridge灾难之后,Barlow加入审查委员会来调查崩溃的原因。他帮助建立了铁路结构承受风力压力的新要求。北英国铁路邀请巴洛设计新的泰桥。
1881:Barlow被问到Midland Railway的顾问工程师,以报告前四个新桥。悬挂式连续梁的最终计划被接受。Benjamin Baker和William Arrol先生John Fowler爵士在桥梁上班,于1883年开始于1890年完成。
1896: August: Both William and his son Crawford retire.
在1838年回到英格兰,巴洛被任命为伯明翰&曼彻斯特铁路的助理工程师。该线于1842年完成,该线在德比中将巴洛被任命为居民工程师到米德兰县铁路。1844年,米德兰县成为新米德兰铁路的主要部分,该主要铁路被任命为铁路公司顾问工程师乔治斯蒂芬森和乔治斯蒂斯州合作的条件。在这时,巴洛担心,尽管早期铁路使用的铁轨的快速磨损,但是木枕头支持首先腐烂的轨道。他开发并获得了一种新型的轨道,可以直接在轨道床上放置,而不是需要睡眠者,只使用偶尔的交叉关系来维持仪表。被称为'Barlow Rail',它是由伊马·王国布鲁尔使用的,在伟大的西式铁路宽容度上的某些地方使用。
1857年,巴洛搬到了伦敦,并在私人惯例中设立。在乔治斯蒂芬森退休后,米德兰铁路被米德兰铁路作为新的咨询工程师保留。他来自米德兰的主要委员会随着公司的延伸来自贝德福德进入伦敦。从1862年开始,延期首次让他们独立访问伦敦。Barlow负责St Pancras Station的安排,该公司在尤斯顿路上的终点。这包括该车站的宏伟火车棚屋;在240英尺处,它是在建造世界上最大的时代。
Tay and Forth bridges
在1879年Tay Bridge灾难发生后,Barlow加入了委员会调查事故的原因。北方英国铁路热衷于重建泰铢,邀请他推荐下一个和最佳行动方案。他的建议是建立一个新的双线桥,完全独立于旧的。由WH Barlow&Son设计,由Glasgow的William Arrol构建,在1882年开始新的Tay桥,并于1887年6月开放。
After the collapse of the first Tay Bridge, work on a bridge across the Forth stopped immediately. Barlow, as consultant engineer to the Midland Railway, was asked along with Sir John Fowler and T E Harrison to report on the construction of a new bridge across the Forth. A number of designs were put forward, including one for a continuous girder bridge by Benjamin Baker, based on a patent design obtained in 1859 by Barlow. Benjamin Baker’s design was accepted and Barlow improved the stability of the bridge by modifying the vertical columns to all the piers in the cantilever design. Barlow, along with Fowler and Harrison were asked to obtain permission to construct the bridge by the newly formed Forth Bridge Railway, a consortium of the Midland, North British, Great Northern and North Eastern railway companies. Once permission to build the bridge was granted, construction was handed to Sir John Fowler and Benjamin Baker.
Engineering and scientific investigations
Barlow played a major part in introducing steel to railway construction. In 1868 he was invited to join a committee undertaking a series of experiments with steel, proving it was suitable for use in construction. Barlow quickly understood that its properties would enable engineers to construct bridges across openings that could not be achieved with iron. He was appointed to a committee which in 1877 established for the first time a safe level of stress for the use of steel in railway engineering. It is no coincidence that the Forth Bridge, in which Barlow had a hand, was the first major structure in Britain to be made of steel.
William Barlow devised a revolutionary method of sound recording in the 1870s which was the forerunner to the record player and the telephone.