It was the industry standard metric and Network Rail’s regulatory measure during CP5.
PPM是与计划的总列达的总数相比,达到终止站'当时的列车的百分比。A train is defined as on time if it arrives at the destination within five minutes (i.e. 4 minutes 59 seconds or less) of the planned arrival time for London and South East or regional services, or 10 minutes (i.e. 9 minutes 59 seconds or less) for long distance services.
Where a train fails to run its entire planned route calling at all timetabled stations it counts as a PPM failure.

表现for 07 February 2021 – 06 March 2021 (Period 12)
The national PPM is 92.6%
This compares to 83.9% for the same period last year.
更详细的数据,包括历史准时数字,可以找到Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) website.
The public performance measure (PPM) shows the percentage of trains which ran their entire planned journey calling at all scheduled stations and arriving at their terminating station within 5 minutes (for London & South East and regional services) or 10 minutes (for long distance services). It combines figures for punctuality and reliability into a single performance measure. It is the current industry standard measurement of performance.
Transport Focus每年咨询50,000多名乘客,以生产国家铁路乘客调查(NRPS) - 与铁路旅行的乘客满意的网络广泛的信息。从代表的旅程样本中每年收集火车服务的乘客意见。
Passengers’ overall satisfaction and satisfaction with 30 specific aspects of service can, therefore, be compared over time.
Delay responsibility
For regulatory reasons, Network Rail is assigned responsibility for delays caused by external factors such as weather, trespass, vandalism, cable theft and fatalities.

Term definitions
These are issues which could have been prevented such as operational issues, damage to or failure of the infrastructure of the railway such as tracks, signalling or points, including where bad, but not extreme, weather causes delays to the rail network.
One train company having their services delayed by the actions of another train company such as a delayed train from one company causing other trains to be delayed.
To find out more about what can cause delays on the network please visit ourDelays explained页。