来自2019年4月1日星期一,英国铁路行业推出了一种新的,更详细,精确的一系列措施,以更好地了解我们的火车如何 - 从站到站,以及分钟到一分钟。
增加旧性能指标的额外措施反映了整个旅程中的良好表现,并且每分钟乘客都是对乘客的事项。直到现在的准时的正式衡量标准,称为公共表现措施(PPM), considers trains to be punctual if they are five or 10 minutes after schedule, for short and long-distance trains are respectively, at their destination. The new measures will report cancellations and the proportion of trains arriving to the minute at every station on the timetable, known as a ‘station stop’, where technology allows (currently, we can measure this at 80% of all stops and we are working to increase this).
The figures below illustrate这些新措施使用来自最近一段时间的数据 - 量化列车如何到达车站,从“早期”到“时间表”。
More detailed data, including historic punctuality figures, can be found on the铁路和路(ORR)网站办公室。
The percentage of recorded station stops where the train arrived less than one minute later than its advertised time. View the bar graphs below to see figures for the last four weeks and last 12 months.
The percentage of services that were ‘cancelled’. ‘Half a cancellation’ is when a train fails to stop at one or more of its station stops. ‘A full cancellation’ is when a train completes less than 50% of its planned journey. View the bar graphs below to see figures for the last four weeks and last 12 months.
最后四周 - 07年2月2021年 - 06年3月2021年3月
记录的电台数量停止 - 5,097,968
Passenger Trains Planned – 453,574
New industry measure – train punctuality at station stops 2020/21 (period 12)

过去12个月-2020年3月02日 - 06年3月2021日
Number of recorded stations stops – 68,209,167
Passenger Trains Planned – 6,292,594
New industry measure – train punctuality at station stops – MAA as at 2020/21 (period 12)