Network Rail owns, operates and develops Britain’s railway infrastructure  

That’s 20,000 miles oftrack, 30,000bridges, tunnels and viaductsand the thousands ofsignals, level crossings and stations. We manage 20 of the UK's largeststationswhile all the others, over 2,500, are managed by the country’s列车运营公司.

Our Vision – Putting passengers first

We'rebecoming a company that is on the side of passengers and freight users; that is easy to engage with and is anefficient and dependable partner;a company people areproud to work for;instinctively recognised as an industry leader.

Our Purpose

We exist to getpeopleandgoodswhere they need to be and to support our country's economic prosperity.

Our Role

Running asafe,reliable and efficient railway,serving customers andcommunities.


Network Rail is changing how it operates. We’re pushing devolution further, making routes more responsive to local needs and cutting through red tape and bureaucracy. Our new structure enables us to be more responsive to the needs of train operators, passengers and freight users by bringing our people closer to those we serve.

We’ve created 14 routes which are supported by five Network Rail regions, each led by a managing director. The five Network Rail regions areEastern,North West & Central,Scotland's Railway,SouthernandWales & Western. These five regions were formed in June 2019 and have the budget and capability to take on more responsibility from other parts of the business.

The routes are responsible for operations, maintenance and minor renewals, including the day-to-day delivery of train performance and the relationship with their local train operating companies.

Our routes and regions

We are customer focused. We run the company throughdevolved route businessesthat understand how to meet customer needs. They operate, maintain and renew infrastructure to deliver a safe and reliable railway for passengers and freight customers. Ourregions encompass multiple routesand transport hubs to better align operations with passengers’ and communities’ needs.

Each route is a large, complex business in its own right, run by a managing director and a senior leadership team who are accountable for effectively and efficiently delivering for customers and key stakeholders. These outcomes are made visible through route and customer scorecards.

Click on the map for more information about each region and its routes