Don’t try it for size – know your height before you go.

Bridge strikes are a costly problem for the railway and can cause delays to train services and on the road network while we repair any damage.

In 2019, there were1,787 bridge strikesreported. Of these strikes, 328 locations received multiple strikes and the most costly single strike amounted to £1.8 million in train delay costs.

Most of the vehicles that hit railway bridges are Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and buses, at a cost of around £13,000 per strike –costing the UK taxpayer around £23m in a year.

Viewgood practice guideson how drivers, transport staff and bridge owners can prevent vehicles from hitting bridges and what to do if a bridge strike happens.


To combat bridge strikes, we’ve been running the national ‘Wise Up, Size Up’ campaign since 2018, predominantly targeting the peak times for strikes in March and October.

Our research has shown 43 per cent of lorry drivers admit to not measuring their vehicle before heading out on the road, and 52 per cent admit to not taking low bridges into account. That’s why we remind drivers to check their vehicle and plan their route to avoid low bridges before setting off, and we have tools, training and guidance in several languages for drivers and logistics companies to help tackle bridge strikes.

Throughout the year, we work alongside some of Britain’s biggest haulage firms as well asHighways England,Driving Vehicles Standards Agency (DVSA)and other industry bodies to reduce the risk of bridge strikes.


Wise up Size up
Lorries can't limbo

Network Rail also has a network ofbridge strike ‘champions’covering each route across Britain, who raise awareness of the issue by visiting logistics companies and lead on managing the risk of bridge strikes locally.

Did you know?
Recent landmark legal cases mean Network Rail can now claim back from hauliers the huge costs incurred by bridge strikes – and we’re aiming to claim back 100 per cent. Until these legal successes, we’ve been paying for repairs and compensating train operating companies for delays to their services where we haven’t been able to claim –costing the taxpayer. A number of bridge strikes are ‘hit and run’, so while we can claim back some costs, we still have to find the rest.

We know that most drivers are complete professionals and take safety on the road very seriously. However, we know there are also some areas where we could be better across the industry to stop strikes happening and give drivers and logistics companies the tools they need to help tackle the problem more effectively. Bridge strikes impact the whole transport network and by working together we can provide the right training and education for logistics companies to help them support their drivers, ensure that those who do break the rules are penalised, and that we can lower the impact of strikes to the travelling public when they do happen. We hope the whole industry will get behind this campaign and do all they can to stop bridge strikes.

Did you know?
The number of bridge strikes peaks in October, rising to almost 10 per day. Most bridge strikes happen between 10am and 11am, but numbers remain high until around 6pm.

The big hitters – top five most hit bridges 2019-2020

# Route Bridge ID Location OS Grid Reference Postcode Total strikes from P01- P13 2019/20
1 LNW WNS/3 Watling Street,A5,Hinckley SP 406 926 LE10 0FL 25
2 LNW RBS2/30 Bromford Road, Sandwell & Dudley SO 992 901 B70 7JD 24
3 LNW BJW3/90 St Johns St, Lichfield City SK 118 090 WS14 9ET 23
4 EAN BGK/1568 Stuntney Road A142, Ely TL 543 794 CB7 4DY 19
5 EAN ETN/1601 Abbey Farm, Thetford TL 866 837 IP24 1AU 16

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