Coronavirus information
Leeds: the busiest station in the north of England

- Open:24 hours – On some occasions, the station may be closed overnight due to no train services running and to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
National Rail Enquiries
0.3457 48 49 50
Textphone:0345 60 50 600
Welsh language line:0.345 60 40 500
General station enquiries:03457 11 41 41
找到你的方式Leeds Station Map (PDF 569 KB).
这英国运输警察station is outside the New Station Street entrance.
For help call0.800 40 50 40(24小时),文字61016或与车站员工的成员交谈。在紧急呼叫中999。
Face coverings
You must wear a face covering for the full duration of your journey on public transport in England, Scotland and Wales.
You could be fined up to £6,400 if you refuse to wear a face covering.了解有关特定豁免的更多信息。
Private cars can pick up and set down in the Aire Street short stay car park.
Sat nav postcode:LS1 4HT
If you need to take your bike on the train, please check with the train operator first.
For information about trains to and from Leeds station go toNational Rail Enquiriesor call0.3457 48 49 50。
'First'和'Yorkshire Tiger'都在利兹市和西约克郡周围运营了频繁的当地巴士路线网络。对于路线图和时间表访问 \利兹这Citybus stops here and connects key location in Leeds. For more information about all buses in West Yorkshire
Ticket office
靠近新车站街道入口。它是由Northern并于周一至周六和周日06.45 - 22.30开放04.45 - 00.00。
Ticket machines
这re are machines around the station selling tickets for all train companies. They're managed byNorthernandLondon North Eastern Railway。
Travel enquiries
Go to the desk in the Travel Centre*:
- 周一至周六09:00 - 18:00
- Sunday 10:00 – 16:00
*在某些情况下,由于Covid 19,旅行中心可能会关闭或打开较短的时间。
For tickets, train times and real-time updates visitNational Rail Enquiries或打电话0.3457 48 49 50那or contact the train operator directly.
Toilets and baby changing
Toilets are free of charge.
Men:platform 8 and near the New Station Street entrance.
Women:platform 8 and near the New Station Street entrance.
Accessible:platform 8 (unisex), platform 12 (unisex), and near the New Station Street entrance (unisex).
Baby change:靠近新车站街道入口和平台12。
这re is no bureau de change.
On the west footbridge and New Station Street.
Lost property
At the station
移交车站的物品保存在左行李办公室。Report a lost item online。
Lost property counter hours:
- Monday to Sunday 08:00 – 21:00
Items left on trains are kept by the train company.
Left luggage
- Monday to Sunday 08:00 – 21:00
您可以在我们的一站店预订沉重,尴尬或高价值行李的存储left luggage facilities。
有关更多信息调用0113 350 3966or visitExcess Baggage。
Available on all platforms and at entrances. Coin-operated – the £1 deposit is refunded when you return the trolley to a trolley bay.
Photo booths
Waiting rooms
Platforms 9-11 and 12-15.
Water fountain
这free water fountains are located on the west footbridge near the escalators, which lead to platform 6 and on platform 8 near the toilets.
Short stay
For pricing and general car park information, please visit theAPCOA parkingwebpage.
这re are two Blue Badge spaces both within 50 metres of the step free Aire Street entrance to the station. The normal tariff applies.
Managed byAPCOA那0.345 222 4224。
Complaints and
This car park has been awarded thePark Markfor safer parking.
Long stay car park closures
Due to the new platform build at Leeds station, the long-stay car parks are closed to the public until Spring 2021.
Please see maps below alternative car parks within Leeds city centre.
Park and Ride facilities are available into Leeds City Centre from Elland Road and Temple Green. Drop off and pick up are both situated on Boar Lane. Please see below details on each of the Park and Ride:
埃兰路公园和骑行is opposite Elland Road Police Station.
800 spaces
Postcode for SatNav: LS11 8TU
Drop off: Boar Lane, Leeds
First bus: 06.00 (Monday-Friday), 07.00 (Saturday), 10.15 (Sunday)
Last bus: 20.35 (Monday-Friday), 19.00 (Saturday), 17.40 (Sunday)
寺庙绿色公园和骑在Aire Valley,靠近M1的连接区45。
Postcode for SatNav: LS9 0PS
Drop off: Boar Lane, Leeds
First bus: 06.00 (Monday-Friday), 07.00 (Saturday), closed on Sundays
Last bus: 20.50 (Monday-Friday), 19.05 (Saturday), closed on Sundays
Accessible parking
这re are 11 Blue Badge spaces in the multi-storey car park, the normal tariff applies.
这spaces are over 50m from the station entrance; no assistance is available to/from the car park.
Both long stay car parks are managed byAPCOA那0.345 222 4224。
Complaints and
Both car parks have been awarded thePark Markfor safer parking.
Station accessibility
平台和行人天桥 - 在平台8上使用自动扶梯后面的升降机。
- Accessible routes within Leeds station– see National Rail Enquiries’ route planner.
Induction loop locations in the station:
- 北大堂出发委员会,附近星巴克
- 南方大厅出发董事会
- 出发板,平台结束6
- West Footbridge, outside the lift for platforms 9-11
- 平台12-15出发板
- 南部入口,下层地板。
Requesting assistance
Coronavirus information:Book passenger assistance as you normally would. Please wear your own face covering and our staff will do likewise, this reduces the risk to you and our staff. At our stations we have face coverings and hand sanitiser available to help us help you.
If you need assistance please phone your train operator giving 24 hours notice if possible.
如果你想但不确定wh书援助ich train operator you are travelling with, you can call0800 022 3720.。在呼叫时,您将被提交给适当的列车运营商。
Alternatively go to one of the customer information points:
- South Concourse
- Platform 8
- On the west footbridge
这y are open Monday to Saturday 06:30 – 20:30, Sunday 10:00 – 18:00. At other times speak to any member of staff.
这re are no mobility assistance vehicles.
Accessible toilets
- South Concourse
- Platform 12
- Platform 8
Wheelchairs and mobility assistance vehicles
这re are no mobility assistance vehicles.
Getting to and from the station
For information about accessible travel around Leeds, visitWYMetroor call0.113 245 7676。
Pick up / set down:在Aire Street短暂停车场停车场。
停车处那short stay:Aire街。Three Blue Badge spaces within 50 metres of the station entrance. The normal tariff applies.
停车处那long stay:Aire街。11个蓝色徽章空间,距离电站入口超过50米。正常的关税适用。
No assistance is available from the car parks.
停车处spaces can be booked by contactingAPCOAon0.113 247 9238。
‘First’ and ‘Yorkshire Tiger’ both operate a network of frequent bus routes around Leeds City and West Yorkshire. For route maps and timetables \利兹
这Citybus stops here and connects key locations in Leeds. For more information about all buses in West Yorkshire
Taxi rank:20 metres from the New Station Street entrance.
安置好:在Aire Street短暂停车场停车场。
Around half of the city’s taxis are accessible.
For more information visittraintaxi。
View the PDF below to search for food, drink and shopping outlet opening hours and services at Leeds station.
We’re making improvements to Leeds Station which will make it brighter, more accessible and allow more trains to use the station.
Visit ourLeeds station improvements要了解更多信息。