
Managing the trees, shrubs and plants alongside our railway to ensure the safety of passengers and railway workers is essential, and it’s something we plan carefully and with consideration.

我们收到许多关于我们植被工作的询问,并知道我们采取的决定是重要的,特别是对于我们的线路邻居 - 任何人都在500米范围内生活,或经营业务。


More than 10 million trees growing next to the railway have been catalogued as part of survey work covering 20,000 miles of Britain’s track. The survey provides engineers with information that indicates priority “problem trees” or overhanging tree canopies that have the potential tocause delays to train journeys

We understand that vegetation management work can be unsettling for those who live nearby who have grown used to the trees or hedges in the local area.

That’s why our vegetation management process involves a lot of planning and thought. Our approach can be different across each of our14 routes, as we work to address the unique local geographic and natural considerations, but wherever we are, our focus is the best way of cultivating a respectful balance between Britain’s线条生物多样性并确保安全,高效的铁路。

样本声音 - 使用锯

Chainsaw sound
5 MB
25 MB.

What is vegetation management?

植被管理is a coordinated effort between different professionals within our teams: maintenance teams regularly cut back plants that are growing too close to the trains, whereas teams including specialist tree workers will carry out larger scale felling work.

You can read a detailed description of vegetation management here


我们的管理计划在工作开始之前计划良好 - 有时提前几年 - 为了最小的干扰界面邻居andwildlife



How we work sensitively with nature to maintain a safe, reliable railway.

