铁路隧道,切割和桥梁为动物和植物提供许多栖息地,以茁壮成长 - 我们尽可能敏感地管理这些
It’s a balancing act for us to maintain and improve the railway to keep it running safely and smoothly, while being mindful of the land that surrounds it and the wildlife that lives on it. It’s a responsibility we take seriously.

We work closely with national and local organisationsto make sure we meet, and where possible exceed, the legal requirements when it comes to protecting species and enhancing their environment.
Our project work can have an immediate impact on local biodiversity, but we’re testing methods of giving back to the natural environment more than our work has taken – often known as a net positive approach.
What is biodiversity?
各种各样的生活——由不同的植物和animals, including the habitats they live in.
A number of our major projects –Thameslink Programme,The Greater West,东西铁路,米德兰主线路线升级和Gospel Oak to Barking electrification– are leading role models for this approach. By sharing information and resources with our partners – Natural England, national and local conservation groups and local authorities – we can take a grassroots, collaborative approach enabling our stakeholders to create new habitats locally.
For example,clearing vegetation准备伟大的西部主线电气化会对一个宿舍社区影响,但网络轨道的志愿者通过在由所拥有的草原上种植林地进一步为他们创造了新的栖息地亚搏彩票软件官网国家信任.
We’ve been working in partnership with Highways England, Natural England and The Wildlife Trusts through the Green Transport Corridors project to forge new approaches to managing the transport ‘soft estate’, to improve safety and performance on the network and benefit wildlife. Working towards net positive biodiversity is one part of this.
Responding to the Government’s天然环境白皮书,这个项目可以改变“软”植物庄园(绿色基础设施)旁边和毗邻道路和铁路线路的方式,可以用于生物多样性增益和更广泛的生态系统服务,例如通过帮助预防树和落叶在铁路网络上,同时为自然提供净收益。它还可以提高道路和铁路基础设施的抵御力气候变化.
绿色传输走廊项目已经进入了线性基础设施网络的工作,该网络已经阐述了绿色基础设施将绿色基础设施融入线性基础设施,可以增强资产恢复力和性能,并提供改善的投资回报率:见Maximising linear infrastructure resilience, environmental performance and return on investment.
At Feltham Marshalling Yards, for example, two dozen invertebrate species, including flies, bees, spiders and beetles have nationally important conservation status.
At Folkestone Warren, a large coastal SSSI in the south of England, we’re working to strengthen populations of rare wild flowers and animals, which have been under pressure from shading by the growth of shrubs and trees since cattle stopped grazing there in 1924.
Thanks to discussions with the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership early in 2016, we’re looking to introduce Highland cattle at the site as a low-cost, environmentally friendly solution – maintaining the chalk grassland, and hopefully allowing rare species such as the early spider orchid, the Grayling butterfly and Adonis blue butterfly to return.