在管理铁路旁边的植被之前,we take time to plan how we approach the workto achieve a respectful balance between protecting Britain’s lineside biodiversity and keeping the railway running safely.

We take just as much care when carrying out the work itself. Here’s what we do:
- 我们管理植被,使其清晰的安全区域 - 根据该网站的要求和基础设施类型(如架空电源线列车轨道,信号,迹象和级别过境)。如果没有削减,树木和灌木可以掩盖信号 - 铁路的红绿灯 - 与我们的架空电源线,倒下和击中火车或阻止我们级别过境的可见度,并可能导致事故。
- Weeds and ground cover are kept to a minimum, where our staff have to walk and to avoid key parts of the track and trains systems being covered by vegetation
- In some places we also clear the vegetation to help our trackside teams examine or repair earthworks and structures.
- To reduce the叶子落在秋天铁路造成的问题,我们将针对叶子坠落密度预计在秋季以及火车可能受到影响的地方高
- We use herbicide to prevent regrowth of vegetation in safety zones where vegetation growth cause problems. This means we prevent overshading and enable more diversity in ground flora to grow.
Not all potentially hazardous trees are on our land, so wework closely with our lineside neighboursto make sure that trees next to the railway aren’t a danger, whether they’re on our land or not. If we need to prune neighbours’ trees that overhang fences or boundaries, we’ll always seek permission first.
- We leave the area tidy and either remove the logs and branches or chip smaller branches to spread them evenly as chippings. We are looking into initiatives to use some of the material produced by our vegetation management, such as bio-fuel.
- On sites where there is enough room and it is safe to do so, some of these smaller branches may be left in a small pile as habitat for wildlife, such as hedgehogs, reptiles and amphibians.
- Our teams will often carry out additional improvements while on site, such asclearing away litter和mending fences.
Trees and the railway
If you’d like to get in touch with us about vegetation on the railway, visit our联系我们页面.