
Managing the trees, shrubs and plants alongside our railway for the safety of passengers and railway workers is essential, and it’s something we plan carefully and with consideration.

We receive many enquiries about our vegetation work and know that the decisions we take are important, especially for anyone who lives, or runs a business, within 500 metres of the railway.

在铁路旁边生长的超过1000万树已经被编目为复杂的空中调查的一部分,涵盖了20,000英里的英国赛道。该数据库提供了具有热图的工程师,该热图表示在落到铁路之前需要注意的更优先级“问题树”或需要注意的树木檐篷导致拖曳旅程。它会彻底改变线条工程师的工作方式, and save the company time and money.


这就是为什么我们的植被管理过程涉及许多规划和思考。我们的方法可以在每个方面都有不同的14条路线,正如我们努力解决独特的本地地理和自然因素,但无论我们在哪里,我们的重点是培养英国之间尊重平衡的最佳方式线条生物多样性和ensuring a safe, efficient railway.


Vegetation management is a coordinated effort between different professionals within our teams: maintenance teams regularly undertake work on vegetation growing too close to the trains and railway, whereas teams including specialist tree workers will carry out tree management at a larger scale where trees have been identified as posing a safety risk.

Careful planning

我们的管理计划在工作开始之前计划良好 - 有时提前几年 - 为了最小的干扰住在铁路附近的人野生动物







Glyphosate herbicides – frequently asked questions


We understand there is some concern about the use of glyphosate in other countries. The safety of our workforce – as well as passengers and people who live near the railway – is our priority. We only use herbicides which are fully licenced by the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD), which is responsible for the regulation of biocides, pesticides and detergents in the UK. We also ensure that all staff and contractors are fully trained to use glyphosate safely.

在过去的10年中,我们通过改进我们的方法和更加谨慎的靶向,从而减少了除草剂的使用 - 例如,通过使用杂草识别控制系统来减少应用的数量。从2018年应用的除草剂的所有活性成分的总重量比2006年低69%,而自2008年以来,特别是草甘膦的使用还减少了25%。


In the meantime, this product remains our best option in terms of efficacy, safety and cost, and complies with all relevant legislation and safety standards established to ensure it does not harm human health or have unacceptable effects on the environment. We continue to work to ensure our use of herbicides is the minimum necessary to effectively manage our lineside vegetation.

The herbicides we use meet strict safety standards set by the Health and Safety Executive who work to ensure they do not harm human health or have unacceptable effects on the environment. The only herbicides we use are those included in the protocol we have signed with the Environment Agency, Water UK and Natural Resources Wales.




We also specify its targeted use, applied by hand, to treat Japanese knotweed and use it on the stumps of specific trees where we know regrowth would pose a risk to the railway.


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