Our rail network connects people and transforms communities

The railway stretches across most of Britain and impacts millions of lives. It contributes to the country’s economic and social development, bringing jobs, transport links and other benefits to local communities.

Network Rail Social Performance Policy(PDF)


Improvements to the railway help local areas develop and thrive. For example, our redevelopment of Birmingham New Street station, which reopened in 2015, contributed to record growth for the city – creating an attractive gateway and a retail destination for visitors, bringing new jobs and regenerating nearby areas.

我们帮助建立了Borders Railway,第一条铁路线在苏格兰边界50年。自2015年开业以来,由于新的基础设施,更多的旅游业和更经济的住房,经济和人口增长增加。

We work to improve社区的安全亚博账号登录too. New footbridges over the railway can introduce safer rights of way and open up routes to more people, especially when designed for maximumaccessibility



这些团队不仅与社区团体合作,还可以帮助我们的employees to get involved。我们只能通过员工的帮助实现关怀,可持续的铁路,这就是我们鼓励他们的原因为我们的慈善机构提供志愿者并帮助筹款



我们的人volunteerfor many reasons – it might be for a cause that has a personal meaning, or perhaps to help a community affected by essential but disruptive work on the railway. Of course, it not only makes a difference to the cause, but improves employee wellbeing too.

一些志愿者在学校,帮助教学科学,技术和工程科目或传播我们的安全消息alongside our safety teams.

其他人将社区连接在一起亚博账号登录environmentby helping them to createwildlife-friendly spaces
