
我们管理英国busiest and biggest stations。Every year there are more than a billion passenger journeys through the stations that we manage, and as thenumber of people travelling by train increases, they will only get busier.


我们正在研究一个升级计划,这些升级程序将使我们的电台更安全,更具吸引力的访问场所,包括标志的改进和access。We’re also working hard to apply the latest technology to how we communicate safety messaging in stations.


Most accidents at stations are due to slips, trips and falls on escalators, concourses and platforms. Our platforms can be open to the elements and every effort is made to keep them hazard-free, but regular footfall and various environmental factors can make surfaces slippery or present unplanned obstacles.

Staying safe on our escalators

Accidents on escalators account for around a quarter of all accidents at our managed stations. They’re more common on escalators going up, often because people are rushing or carrying heavy or bulky luggage.

To avoid accidents:

  • 如果您携带行李,请使用升降机或可免费的路线。
  • Wear sensible footwear.
  • 走路,不要跑。
  • Look out for signs and posters that will help you get around the station easily and safely.

Staying safe when getting on and off trains


  • Be aware of the doors– When boarding or alighting the train, don’t stop doors from closing as they may not reopen automatically.
  • Mind the gap– Unfortunately we can’t reduce the gaps between trains and platforms. There are 2,500 stations in Britain built to varying specifications over the last 180 years, and there are many different designs of trains too. Take extra care.
  • 如果你在赛道上放下东西,请留下它– Every year people are killed while闯入铁路。永远不要踩到轨道上。线路可以是电气化的,并且列车可以以速度接近。如果你放弃了一些东西,请联系员工成员。


If you need help getting on and off trains, please bookpassenger assistance

Working with the wider rail industry

我们与行业中的其他人合作Platform Train Interface (PTI) strategy,使平台与火车之间的差距更安全。