Having a few festive drinks? Take care around the railway and get home safely


Campaign Poster - know your limit


Data shows year-on-year increases in incidents like:

  • slips, trips and falls in stations
  • 驾驶员或行人跳跃或编织障碍的风险
  • trespassing and running across the track

And despite a 60-70% reduction in passenger numbers during the coronavirus pandemic, we’re not seeing the same reduction in these alcohol-related incidents.

That's why we're advising passengers and the public tostay safe around the railway特别是在几杯酒后:

  • Standing back from the platform edge, behind the yellow line
  • Taking your time on stairs and escalators
  • Walking – not running
  • Staying off the railway tracks
  • Using level crossings safely
  • Speaking to staff if help is needed

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