Electrifying the Midland Main Line to provide better services for passengers

Bi-mode trains, when in electric mode, are quieter and better for the environment than diesel trains – benefitting both passengers and people living close to the railway.
However, this also means there will be a deadly 25,000-volts running through the overhead wires along the railway at ALL times.
Whilst there is no danger to people using the railway correctly, anyone who does not respect the railway boundary – the fence line that protects both people and the operational railway from deliberate or accidental trespass – is placing themselves at risk.
Remember the danger you can’t see

The steel masts are spaced between 40-70 metres apart along the track and will carry the contact wire at a height of approximately 4.7 metres above track level – just a little taller than the trains themselves.
So, whilst electrification will bring important benefits, 25,000 volts is an enormous amount of power and why a vital part of our work involves communicating with people living and working along the railway to advise them of the potential risks.
高压线产生低电平的磁场。Download our factsheetto read more information regarding the subject of EMC.
That’s why a vital part of delivering electrification involves communicating with people living and working along the railway to advise them of the potential risks.
As well as a significant advertising campaign – including radio, local newspaper and poster advertising – leaflets containing important safety information will also be distributed. In addition, great effort is also going into reaching out to higher risk audiences. For example:

Farmers –We’re working with the Farming Community Network and Tenant Farmers Association to highlight that an electrified railway represents a potential hazard to farmers, who will need to be more careful when carrying out activities such as crop spraying, irrigating or muck spreading close to wires carrying 25,000-volts.

钓鱼者 -Working with the Angling Trust we’re reaching out to its members to highlight that carrying items such as rods on station platforms, over foot crossings or casting lines near an electrified railway can increase the risk of electrocution by bringing you into contact with wires.

Radio-controlled aircraft –与英国模型飞行协会合作,我们要求飞行员意识到危险电气化的架空电线代表,避免完全飞行或围绕铁路走廊。此外,当然永远不要侵入线路以检索拖动模型。
由于年轻人是最有可能侵入的,网络铁路在侵入热点附近的学校举办研讨会,以开发和拍摄30分钟的戏剧,突出显示高压亚搏彩票软件官网架空电线带来的风险。学生的故事然后由Shazia Rashid撰写专业脚本,并施放了令人着名的年轻演员,包括哈里科尔顿(来自Peaky Mlinders)和BAFTA Nominee Aimee Kelly。它已经获得了奖项,并被视为超过4500万次。观看下面的电影。

The workshops provided students with a real insight into the dangers of playing on the railway and particularly focused on the new overhead line equipment which is being installed locally.The workshops gave students an opportunity to express their opinions and personal views, as well as a chance to develop skills such as creativity, teamwork and the qualities required to present in front of people.
由我们的电影'十八'的启发,我们在11月16日在伯明翰的MCM Comic Con推出了一个漫画。
Digital comic now available
Download the comic
为了加强我们的安全信息,总是在 - 所以总是休息,在2019年和2020年初在城市中心,火车站和电影院举行了一系列安全活动。
- 由高压线电击产生的热量超过3000摄氏度 - 热量足以点燃受害者的衣服
- 电气化的架空线设备携带25,000伏电 - 这是电源供应到您家的100倍。
- 侵入铁路是一种刑事罪,可判处1,000英镑的罚款
You can see the danger coming.电力是看不见的(大多数时间)所以记住你看不到的危险!
穿着橡胶鞋底意味着您无法触电。No footwear will protect you from an electric shock.
Overhead wires only carry electricity while a train is passing.电气化线路始终打开!
Electricity is only dangerous if you touch it.Electricity can jump up to 3 metres in some conditions (for example when it is raining).
What happens if you are electrocuted?
- The heat passing through the human body causes severe damage to internal organs
- 在皮肤下面的组织烧伤导致表面上的疤痕和黑色标记
- 心脏的肌肉失败 - 停止血液和氧气的流动
- 肺部和呼吸系统瘫痪
- 身体的神经系统 - 依赖于微小的电脉冲到功能 - 被破坏,造成瘫痪并影响你的思考,回应和记忆的能力
- 10人中有9人死亡。其余的遭受改变的伤害。
Electrified lines are Always On. So Always Stay Off!