对于业余和专业摄影师而言,这是一个突出英国美丽的农村和城市风景的最佳意象的机会 - 并争夺最高奖项。
Full prize details for all categories are available on theTake a View website。特殊的青年课程对17岁以下的人开放。

额外的奖项 - 景观特殊奖项中的网络铁路线 - 旨在亚搏彩票软件官网找到最能捕捉当今铁路的精神,因为它与周围的景观有关。
可以提交这一奖项的大不列颠(不包括北爱尔兰北爱尔兰)的运营国家铁路网络的图像。有关入境要求的更多信息Take a View website。

景观奖中亚搏彩票软件官网的网络铁路是您将您最喜欢的铁路景观带到更广泛的受众 - 捕捉英国的敬畏和美丽,让每个人都享受。
You might have a stunning shot of Britain’s railway in the rolling countryside, or a tribute to the power of engineering to transform and modernise, or perhaps an exciting abstract – there are so many possibilities.
Recent winners have enjoyed trips to photograph some of the most spectacular sights on the rail network, including exclusive access to the Forth Bridge. Top pictures also tour Britain’s stations as part of the Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibition. Britain’s railways are very close to my heart and this Award highlights their importance to the nation. I do hope you will get involved.