

  • 轨道– these are the lengths of steel that are welded together.
  • Sleepers– these are supports for the rails.
  • Switches and crossings- 这些是可移动部分的轨道,该轨道导向从一条轨道到另一个轨道并允许它们交叉路径。它们具有特别限制的寿命,因为在他们穿过时,火车会导致磨损和变形。
  • Sets of points- 这些是移动交换机和交叉的机械系统。

The TRS works in a similar conveyored system to the ballast cleaner. The front part runs on the old rails, while the rear runs on the new rail that the system has installed, so any lines adjacent to the one the TRS is working on can remain open to passing trains.



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