铁路的日常运行产生了一定的噪音和振动 - 找出预期,如果它影响你,该怎么办?

On this page, you can read about noise and vibration from the regular running of the railway. Our work to improve and maintain the railway can also generate noise.

如果您正在寻找有关在您居住的地方附近的铁路工作的信息,请访问您的本地路线的网页by clicking on the route that's closest to your home on our online map.


我们经常审查曲目的状态开展维护工作to improve them where necessary, so it’s unlikely that the condition of the tracks would cause vibrations that damage nearby buildings.



Noise levels vary depending on the circumstances – for example, open countryside allows noise to travel further than hills, frost makes the ground hard so it can’t absorb noise, and fog prevents noise from dispersing into the sky.



Excessive noise may be caused by a problem with a specific train or track.我们拥有并管理铁路网络,但我们不跑火车, so while we’ll do everything we can to give you advice and help investigate train movements, we usually have to work with the火车公司and local authority, which means we can’t take any specific action to resolve the problem.


Most of the noise that comes from a水平过境是由穿过它的车辆引起的。噪声也由安装的一些安全警报设备产生。虽然我们有时可以通过使交叉流畅的光滑来减少噪音,但它很少能完全消除。


跟踪警报对于保持乘客和我们的劳动力安全至关重要,他们只应该在短时间内发出声音。Please get in touchif you’re concerned about the noise being made by railway alarms.


We need to provide safety warnings to people who are on or near the tracks – they’re a vital safety feature of trains that run on our network. However if you’re affected by train horns, please请与我们联系.

Whistle boards


Although we’re trying to reduce the number of whistle boards, we can’t remove them where they help to keep pedestrians safe.

Read frequently asked questions on Night Time Quiet Period adjustments


议会始终认识到铁路运营可以产生一种不可避免的噪音和干扰。为此原因section 122 of the Railways Act 1993provides Network Rail and train operators with a statutory defence to proceedings for nuisance. Ordinarily this would cover claims alleging excessive noise or vibration.

However, this defence is not unqualified. if the complaint refers to noise from railway premises, the operator must demonstrate that they have used ‘reasonable diligence' to control the noise or vibration if they are to claim the statutory immunity defence. This applies, for example to allegations of nuisance from a platform loudspeaker or from a lift or plant room causing vibration or noise.