我们合作地工作,考虑在我们的土地上的野生动物的需求 - 这是我们所承担的一些项目
European and nationally受保护的物种often call the railway home.
That’s whywe take care to look out for these special lineside neighbours- 与英国的组织一起工作,包括Scottish Natural Heritage,自然资源威尔士和天然英格兰to ensure that any work we carry out as part ofour Railway Upgrade Plan考虑到对野生动物的影响。

Nesting willow tits
使用Yorkshire Wildlife Trust,我们在唐卡斯特附近的陶器附近的陶器中试验一种方法,可以为柳树山雀创造筑巢区域。通常被移除的桦树彼此切成六到八英尺,使它们弯曲并成为合适的栖息地。
Signalling relay room bat house
作为萨里法尔内姆的副扶配项目的一部分,我们将一个旧的继电器室与工程公司合作换成了蝙蝠屋戴尔和管家. The project reused materials from Ash Vale signal box, which was next to the relay room and was demolished as part of the scheme.
Monitoring of this bat house has been done with新叶生态学,代表行事萨里蝙蝠集团. A bat dropping was found there during the visit in September 2016, showing evidence of use.
Bats on the railway: the flying commuters
Habitat for rare butterfly
北欧的大型蓝色蝴蝶的最大人口沿着萨默塞特的铁路线,遵循我们加入包括保护组织的计划国家信任和Wildlife Trusts创造新的栖息地。
我们的基础设施项目伟大的西式和跨恐怖团队和西路are partnering up withButterfly Conservation不仅保护国际罕见的大蓝蝴蝶,而且还为整个国家重要的蝴蝶和飞蛾增强了我们的绿色走廊。
Find out more about our work creating habitat for the large blue butterfly on page 4 of Natural England's intriguing case story:A Butterfly that Lives Underground?
Breeding Natterjack toads
在威尔士弗林特郡,我们正在为罕见的Natterjack Toad创造繁殖区域,将100个蝌蚪迁移到网站上,帮助提高了当地的纳帕克蟾蜍人口。该网站将由当地生态学家监控和管理Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust.
Before work started on the Norton Bridge flyover along the West Coast Mainline in Staffordshire, together with our contractors we moved great-crested newts from the site first to a temporary pool and then to a special reserve built for them at nearby Shallowford.
Case study: Railway upgrade between Oxford and Bedford
We’ve been working with ecologists on an extensive study进入升级的影响将特别是沿着路线栖息的稀有蝙蝠种类。
我们的环境专家一直在沿着项目途中标记和捕获蝙蝠,了解一些罕见的Bechstein的蝙蝠,以在Aylesbury附近的特定区域栖息地栖息 - 也在其他领域。