As one of Britain’s biggest landowners, we have a responsibility to work sustainably
We have a sustainableAPP亚博娱乐 to what we do, understanding how our role affects the environment locally and globally. We believe that outstanding environmental performance is a central part of being a responsible and successful company. We look for the best ways to minimise the impact of our work – as well as how we can positively change, protect and enhance Britain’s environment.
Read about our approach in our latestEnvironmental Sustainability Strategy.

Sensitive and sensible management
Managing vegetation alongside the railway is vital for the safety of passengers, train crew and our employees. It’s a perfect example of the delicate balance required to keep the railway running and be considerate of our lineside neighbours and the environment. It’s also what people contact us about most – so we listen to people’s concerns and, wherever possible, will consider alternative solutions that help us improve our environmental performance.
We’re also careful to use energy and natural resources efficiently and responsibly, for a low carbon footprint, and to reduce, reuse and recycle any waste.
Recycling recovered railway materials at Whitemoor materials handling depot
Read the 2015 report from WWF on our use of forest products.
Positive changes
In managing the environment, we plan for the longer term – drawing on our years of experience, as well as new and innovative technology to repair and protect the rail network in the face of environmental changes, as ourweather resilience and climate changesection shows.
Thinking about the future is important not only in understanding the impact ofclimate change, but also how our day to day work impacts thewildlife on our estate. We are trialling a net positive approach to biodiversity by looking at existing habitats and working to avoid or minimise damage, and working with local stakeholders to restore or create new habitat.