Community Rail benefits local railway lines, services and stations by giving local people more of a say

我们总是愿意讨论潜力的想法Community Rail projects。我们问:这个想法是否有利于当地社区,是当地的社区支持?


We strive to bring operational outgoing costs and income closer together. In managing the lines, we take care not to over-service them, so they remain efficient and cost-effective.

Interested in helping to run your local railway?See if there’s a Community Rail Partnership near you

How to develop a Community Rail route

The changes you’ll see


  • 社区铁路线的定制解决方案亚搏真人
  • 当地社区在时间表和票价中更大的参与
  • 在联系政策上更具局部决策
  • 审查基础设施维护和更新标准,以帮助使线路可持续发展
  • easier and cheaper station development, more appropriate to the local environment
  • minor changes to stations, such as relocating facilities
  • innovative approaches to disabled access at stations
  • risk-based approach to infrastructure enhancements to find lower cost solutions
  • removal of European interoperability standards for infrastructure.

If a line is designated as a Community Rail route, the local area could see an increased focus on promoting the line and raising its profile locally and in the railway industry as a whole.

亚搏真人社区铁路路线encourage train companies, Network Rail, local authorities and the local community to work together to make the most out of the opportunities provided by the railway.

Benefits of Community Rail designation


Designation brings the opportunity for the partnership to work on service improvements such as enhancements to stations, changes to the timetable, new fares structures and promotional activity, within the Community Rail framework. This means there's greater flexibility to deliver change, and changes should happen faster.

Designation does not come with any funding but the partnership approach enables funders to come forward.

Community Rail Network:站采用,社区铁路项目和活动亚搏真人

Who owns and runs the Community Rail line?

The railway infrastructure of a Community Rail line is still owned by Network Rail. One of the rolling stock leasing companies (ROSCOs) will usually own the trains that run on the line, but creative approaches to this are encouraged where costs can be reduced.


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